Supergirl & Batgirl Cosplays Prove They Need Their Own Team-Up Series

Cosplayers Lana Fenimore (@laneyfeni) and Amanda Lynne (@realamandalynne) flawlessly embody the iconic characters of Supergirl and Batgirl, capturing the essence of these beloved heroes with such finesse that it’s impossible not to yearn for a cinematic team-up. However, until the collective voices of the fandom sway the powers that be at DC into making a live-action team-up a reality, cosplays like this one will have to appease excited fans.

Photographed by Ryan Sims, Fenimore and Lynne serve incredible, fully-realized looks for their respective characters, together serving as a resounding testament to the potential of this formidable partnership.

While DC has released animated shows featuring the duo, which have given these dynamic heroines numerous thrilling team-ups and encounters – such as the popular DC Super Hero Girls series – it’s high time that Supergirl and Batgirl take center stage in a live-action setting of their own.

Cinematic-Quality Supergirl & Batgirl Cosplays Captured By Photographer Ryan Sims

Lana Fenimore’s Supergirl And Amanda Lynne’s Batgirl Are Silver Screen-Ready

Lane Fenimore’s portrayal of Supergirl at Cosplay World Con is nothing short of perfection. She appears to have leaped straight from the pages of a Supergirl comic, donning the hero’s iconic ensemble and striking a dynamic mid-air action pose that truly appears superhuman. The Instagram post, shared by Ryan Sims Photography, is accompanied by a fitting caption, “Stay strong & never give up!” This quote resonates deeply with Supergirl’s indomitable spirit. Overall, this cosplay exudes a cinematic quality, leaving no doubt that the character primed for the silver screen, ready to add another spectacular chapter to the legacy of the Girl of Steel.

In addition to Lane Fenimore’s remarkable Supergirl cosplay, Ryan Sims Photography treated fans to not one, but two captivating posts showcasing Amanda Lynne’s sensational portrayal of Batgirl. Both posts dedicated to Lynne’s Batgirl persona exuded an action-ready vibe, with one of them featuring an iconic quote from Batgirl (Vol 3) #5, “I’m a ‘punch first, ask questions later’ kinda girl.” This quote encapsulates Batgirl’s fearless, determined spirit, leaving no doubt about the character’s kick-ass attitude. Fenimore and Lynne’s Supergirl and Batgirl cosplays have raised the bar with their exceptional quality, leaving fans with a clear and compelling desire to witness these formidable heroines team up in a spectacular adventure.

Supergirl & Batgirl Fans Want A Live-Action Team-Up

Despite The Batgirl Film Being Indefinitely Shelved, The Character Should Still Make It To The Screen

While the HBO Max Batgirl movie languishes in an unreleased grave, DC fans still have Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow to look forward to; still as the reaction – in the cosplay community, and among fans – to Lana Fenimore’s Supergirl and Amanda Lynne’s Batgirl make clear, their movie-quality takes on the characters prove that of all DC’s characters, the pair have some of the widest appeal. What’s more, their looks are two of the more naturally translated to real life. Though their inevitable, and highly anticipated, cinematic team-up lies somewhere in the uncertain future, until then fans can find solace in the world of spectacular Batgirl and Supergirl cosplays.

Source(s): Ryan Sims (1), (2), (3); Lana Fenimore (@laneyfeni); Amanda Lynne (@realamandalynne)