Super Mario Remaster Rumors Reignited By Secret Mario Twitter Account

Super Mario Remaster Rumors Reignited By Secret Mario Twitter Account

A new Super Mario remaster rumor has emerged on the back of fans unearthing a private Twitter account that seems closely tied to Nintendo’s plans for the 35th anniversary of the franchise, which takes place this year. Nintendo has been the subject of intense scrutiny from analysts attempting to discern what the company has planned for the major milestone of its erstwhile plumber, and so far several reports have suggested that a remaster of the Super Mario back catalogue is possible.

Many fans have chosen to take the Super Mario remaster rumor as fact, citing how thoroughly previous reports have been corroborated from multiple sources. If those rumors are true, consumers will likely be heavily interested in a Nintendo Switch purchase if they don’t already own one – apparently, Super Mario 64Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy are all in line to receive remastered versions to help celebrate Mario’s 35th year in video games. While Nintendo hasn’t officially made any announcements regarding the possibility of Super Mario remasters, it appears one may be coming soon, as some diligent fans have uncovered promising evidence.

As reported by VGC, fans have discovered that a private Twitter account under the name @supermario35th exists on Twitter, and seems primed to make some major announcements for the franchise in the near future. While the existence of just that Twitter handle wouldn’t be enough to suggest it actually belongs to Nintendo, one user attempted to recover the account’s password, and the recovery email appears to be one that is registered to Nintendo. While the email is obscured due to Twitter’s security protocol, it appears to be the right number of characters and in the right style to line up with

Super Mario Remaster Rumors Reignited By Secret Mario Twitter Account

Naturally, it’s not a lock that this account belongs to Nintendo – anyone attempting to make it look like it does would choose a domain name for the email that neatly lined up with fan expectation, after all. Still, that’s a lot of effort going into an account that may not have been found at all, and it would’ve made more sense to include a profile picture and a username that made it look more obvious. Given all the information fans have, it seems possible this account will actually end up being one that Nintendo uses to release more information on Super Mario remaster potential – or, at the very least, plans for the anniversary.

As fans continue to work on whether or not the account belongs to Nintendo, the future of the Mario series looks bright either way. Paper Mario: The Origami King reviewed well upon its release earlier today, and the sheer excitement generated by the potential of a Super Mario remaster should indicate to Nintendo that even if that weren’t the original plan, it’s one well-worth exploring in the near future.