Super Mario Characters: Is Fingore Real Or Fake?

Super Mario Characters: Is Fingore Real Or Fake?

In a franchise as old as Super Mario – and especially a franchise with so many colorful characters in its cast – some fans are bound to forget everyone they’ve been introduced to over the course of the series’ long history. This turned out to lead to some confusion after an unused character was reportedly found in the files of New Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo DS.

Many gaming fans go through the files of their favorite games frequently, like Super Smash Bros., searching for unused content or voice lines that might not be as easy to find within the actual game itself. Finding these hidden gems can produce some exciting content for fans, but for more casual players who may not know how to access or navigate these files, verifying the existence of such finds can be difficult.

When the Twitter account Cut and Obscure Video Game Content claimed to have found an unused but fully coded enemy within the New Super Mario Bros. files, evidently named scripulous_fingore, fans weren’t quite sure what to make of it. Is Fingore real, or was he only ever the creation of a clever user and a lot of mistaken memories?

Super Mario Bros.: The Existence of Scripulous Fingore Explained

Super Mario Characters: Is Fingore Real Or Fake?

Since the tweet was originally posted, Nintendo fans all across the internet have run with it, turning Fingore from what might have only ever been a simple joke or an unused file and turning him into a Mario-themed meme almost overnight. With plenty of fanart, edits, and – most prominently – claims that not only was Fingore real, but that he also existed in other Mario games, some people found themselves confused. If Fingore didn’t exist, there was a lot of content out there that relatively convincingly made it appear otherwise – and without being able to look into the files themselves, most fans couldn’t verify the claim of Fingore’s existence in the first place.

However, other sources have since gone through to check for the supposed unused model, and no such thing has turned up. Furthermore, the account Fingore originated on is full of fake but humorous facts – and though Fingore might have captured the attention and humor of the internet at large, he was never a real part of any Super Mario game, unused or otherwise. Since his creation, Fingore has been edited into various games, some of which do not even have any connection to the Super Mario franchise. While Fingore might not be a real Mario character, he has certainly made his mark on many Nintendo fans. Despite the lack of official Fingore content, it’s a testament to the ingenuity and humor of his design that so many fans fondly consider him an unofficial part of the Super Mario franchise.