Super Mario Bros. Movie Theory Reveals Lumalee Was Actually Bowser’s Secret Weapon

Super Mario Bros. Movie Theory Reveals Lumalee Was Actually Bowser’s Secret Weapon

Lumalee’s role in The Super Mario Bros. Movie proved to be a surprisingly great addition and one theory indicates he may have been Bowser’s secret weapon. Although he didn’t play a major role in the plot, Lumalee became a fan-favorite for his unexpectedly bleak dialogue despite sounding full of positivity. It is the sort of dark humor that isn’t associated with the Mario franchise yet fits the movie well. The Super Mario Bros. Movie‘s Lumalee has video game origins, but naturally, his role in the film is far different. While he may have been popular, one theory suggests he could have been helping the antagonist all along.

Before eventually being foiled by Mario, Bowser’s villainous acts managed to find a lot of success. He conquered several Kingdoms and captured multiple prisoners along the way, including King Penguin. Bowser eventually added Luigi to his Castle’s dungeon, sparking Mario’s adventure to save his brother. Given how successful he was as a villain, a theory indicates that Lumalee could have played a role in the antagonist’s plans. Bowser is reliant on his minions to do some of the dirty work, meaning Lumalee could be involved. Whether Lumalee was in on the plan or not is another question, but the theory does highlight how cunning and cruel Bowser can be.

Super Mario Bros. Movie Theory Reveals Bowser & Kamek Were Using Lumalee

Super Mario Bros. Movie Theory Reveals Lumalee Was Actually Bowser’s Secret Weapon

The Super Mario Bros. Movie theory reveals that Lumalee was being used by Bowser and Kamek to torture other prisoners. There are many theories as to why Lumalee was in Bowser’s dungeon in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, but one of the most outrageous is that he is being used against the other inmates. Despite the movie being lighthearted and fun in tone, it is still made clear that Bowser is a menacing threat. Whether it is the big acts like destroying the Snow Kingdom and claiming the star or more minor things like plucking Luigi’s mustache, Bowser shows time and time again that he is a true villain.

The theory suggests that Lumalee would be used to make the other prisoners so miserable that they’d be willing to talk. Considering how depressing much of Lumalee’s dialogue is, being stuck behind bars next to him would likely make most prisoners desperate to leave. While Bowser isn’t exactly merciful, he is resourceful enough to find unique ways to get the information he seeks. Making Bowser’s foes listen to Lumalee is the sort of genius dark move that could be the creation of Kamek. Together, they may have found the perfect use for Lumalee, who may not even be aware of their evil scheme or could even be a part of it.

super mario bros movie luigi with nihilistic lumalee star


The Real Reason Why Super Mario Bros’ Lumalee Star Is So… Grim

The Super Mario Bros. Lumalee star that’s trapped in Bowser’s castle is super cute but also has a dark side, and there’s a reason it’s so grim.

This Lumalee Theory Puts A Hilariously Dark Twist On The Fan-Favorite Character

Super mario bros lumalee star

This theory puts a hilarious twist on the fan-favorite character. With the popularity Lumalee managed to find organically in the movie, it would make assisting the main villain a more sinister reveal, especially if he was in on the plan. The innocent nature around Lumalee’s frightening dialogue is what makes him so funny and loved, but this all being intentional could turn him into a major villain. While it would make this hilariously dark twist even worse, it could be good news for those who enjoy the character. Lumalee having a bigger role in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 would be possible if he did have an alliance with Bowser.

Of course, he could just be an innocent victim in this scheme. Lumalee’s true personality may just be someone who sounds positive while saying negative things. Even this adds a tragic element to the character, as it would mean he truly has no ill intentions yet could be helping the villain and wearing down the heroes without even knowing it. With how popular Lumalee is, it seems highly possible he will be back in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2, be it as a villain, or his seemingly innocent self. Regardless, this theory puts a dark twist on the character that could still come true.

  • Super Mario Bros Movie Poster

    The Super Mario Bros. Movie
    Release Date:




    92 Minutes


    Universal Pictures, Illumination, Nintendo


