Super Mario: 8 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Princess Peach As A Character

With a yet-to-be-shown appearance in the recently revealed Super Mario Bros. film, Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom have always been synonymous with Super Mario ever since their initial outing in 1985 under the Super Mario Bros. banner, and since then Mario and co. have seen many adventures that have taken them to multiple kingdoms, worlds, and even space.One thing that has stayed consistent throughout, however, is that Princess Peach is always involved in some capacity, though this typically finds her being captured by Bowser or in need of some help, and though she’s plenty capable on her own, it’s hard to deny that certain things make Princess Peach who she is decades later, but there’s certainly more to her than most realize.

She’s As Sweet As Candy

Princess Peach may find herself in troublesome situations repeatedly, but she’s always been a sweet, kind, and caring princess that exudes happiness and joy from afar, further amplified by her bright pink dress and vibrant lemon-yellow hair.

Even in a dark cruel world as user @flowerydee64 has described, it’s hard not to be put in a good mood the moment Princess Peach comes into the picture, lightening the mood as she frequently does at the end of every mainline Mario title.

Telling It Like It Is

Princess Peach may be a positive, uplifting figure to be around, but after decades of kidnappings, even she has very little patience left for being nice regarding the situation.

Even with her own starring role in Super Princess Peach on DS and the myriad playable appearances in spinoff Nintendo titles, it’s clear she can handle herself, but she can’t help but ask why no one ever tells Bowser to stop the kidnapping rather than telling her to stop getting kidnapped.

She Protec But She Also Attac

Contrary to popular belief, Princess Peach certainly knows how to handle a weapon if games like Super Smash Bros. and Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle are anything to go by. Sure, she may not have the best security system set in place, but she certainly won’t go down without a fight.

Princess Peach has been handling weapons and defensive techniques for decades now thanks to titles like Mario Party and the various sports games like Mario Stikers: Battle League, and she’s always been a positive force to have on a team – and even in games like Mario Kart – as she has great stats to back up the royalty of her name.

Super Smash Princess

The roster in Super Smash Bros. is so vast at this point that it sports nearly 90 playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but ever since Super Smash Bros. Melee Princess Peach has been a powerhouse that can sometimes feel like a force of nature.

The meme fairly accurately displays Peach as the Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, from Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, as most expect her to be weak when playing but end up getting a princess that smacks everyone up and down the map.

A Soft Spot For Toad

Princess Peach is often seen with smiles, waving at everyone, and being jovial, but she has a serious side to her when she’s either getting competitive or about to focus on the task at hand, especially in Mario sports games.

With Toad, however, she’s always had a soft spot for them that makes Princess Peach have a bit of trouble keeping them in line when they’re being disobedient, and now it seems like there’s nothing she can do to keep Toad from playing Fortnite.

In Another Castle

Peach is always finding herself in some sort of castle other than her own, and whether that’s been done through a series of kidnappings or because at this point it’s just simple miscommunication of Mario worrying because she didn’t make it home in time is a question that still goes unanswered.

The princess we all know and love can never stay in one place longer than a few minutes, so even though it may seem Mario may finally save the day, Peach once again finds herself in yet another castle looking to be saved in.

She Gets Left Out At Times

Princess Peach is one of Nintendo’s most recognizable characters, and arguably one of the most recognizable characters in the world because of her attachment to Mario and all of his adventures.

Unfortunately, despite being such a prominent character, she’s not often seen as a playable character outside a few spinoffs, and even then some games that would be perfect to have her in a starring role see her absent on a roster, so she’s consistently finding herself once again in the Mario clichés of being a lost princess.

Peach Is Taller Than Most

Whether it’s the heels, the world, or genetics, Princess Peach has always been one of the tallest characters in the Mario universe, usually towering over most in the Mushroom Kingdom.

A little height won’t stop the princess from enjoying the company of her loyal citizens and friends, however. Instead of kneel in a condescending fashion, she rather lift them up and meet eye to eye out of respect (and maybe add a few spins to follow up with).