Succession: 10 Cousin Greg Quotes That Prove He’s Ruthless

Succession: 10 Cousin Greg Quotes That Prove He’s Ruthless

The hit HBO show Succession gets most of its drama, comedy, and tension from the cutthroat corporate world. In order to survive, the characters have to be willing to backstab, be immoral, and always be looking out for themselves. That is why Cousin Greg doesn’t seem to belong in such a world.

Greg is one of the funniest characters because he seems absolutely clueless when attempting to deal with these ruthless people. However, while he may often be an awkward mess, he has shown at times that he can be quite conniving and even crafty in his dealings.

Keeping This Vague

“It’s Good Because It’s Like… It’s Not Clear Exactly What It Means So… Lot’s Of Wiggle Room.”

Succession: 10 Cousin Greg Quotes That Prove He’s Ruthless

It seems the more that Greg hangs around the rest of the Roy family, the more he becomes comfortable with the dishonesty and crooked dealings of the corporate world. This is even seen in something as simple as a new slogan.

As Greg and Tom brainstorm slogans, they come up with the idea of “We Hear For You.” As they hilariously try to make sense of it, Greg also points out that the nonsensical approach makes it easier to avoid committing to anything.

Not Going Down Alone

“What We Did?”

Greg from Succession holding cookies and a dog poop bag.

At first glance, Greg would seem to be the obvious person to be a scapegoat for the company in any necessary scenario. But despite his blundering, Greg shows that he is at least smart enough to ensure he is not such an easy target.

When Tom asks Greg about the job he did in destroying sensitive evidence, Greg is quick to correct him as “What we did?” It is a small gesture but one of Greg’s smartest as it lets Tom know he is not taking the fall alone.

Playing Both Sides

“I’m Not A Part Of This Necessarily, Tom.”

Greg standing in a suit and bowtie with his hair slicked back at a gala event in Succession

After Kendall publicly attacks his father and splits the family in half, Greg finds himself in a strange position of attempting to be on both sides of the battle. While he might not be particularly subtle about playing both sides, he is willing to try.

When Tom calls Greg to ask him why he is spending so much time with Kendall, Greg is still attempting to appear as neutral as possible. It is a hilarious and spineless move on Greg’s part showing that he is willing to jump aboard any side that seems to look the most beneficial for him.

Off The Record

“This Isn’t A Meeting. This Is Actually A Precursor To See If It Might Be Willing To Meet.”

Greg lifting his hand at the testimony in Succession

Greg often seems like a person who watched shows and movies about the corporate world and decided to base all of his knowledge on those. It is especially fun when he is cornered and tries to same his own neck with his ill-informed ramblings.

When being interviewed by a reporter about a new book about Logan Roy’s life, Greg thinks he can outsmart the reporter by claiming he is just testing the waters of their discussion. It is another one of the great examples of Greg thinking he is playing some strategic game of deception but is really just looking like a fool.

Polite Blackmail

“I Have Some Leverage But I’m Reluctant To Use It, You Know, In Case It Sours Things For Us.”

Greg and Tom facing one another in a scene from Succession.

The relationship between Greg and Tom is one of the highlights of the show. It is a strange bond that they form which can sometimes feel like they despise each other, and at other times feel like they are the only friend each other has.

When Greg tries to position himself in a better role within the company, he decides to let Tom know that he has some incriminating evidence on him. However, he is so awkward about potentially hurting his feelings, it comes off like he is asking permission to blackmail Tom.

Keeping His Cards Close To His Chest

“I’ll Never Tell.”

Greg speaks to Logan about his 'Grexit' on Succession.

To add to the bizarreness of Greg and Tom’s relationship, Tom is not even angry that Greg went behind his back and copied the evidence to use against Tom. In fact, Tom is impressed and proud of Greg for taking such initiative.

Tom is the first one to see the ruthless side of Greg and he likes it. As they laugh about it, Tom asks Greg where he’s hidden the evidence and Greg jokingly responds, “I’ll never tell.” Though they laugh, it is clear Greg understands how to keep the evidence close to the vest.

Top Secret

“But Look, The Actual Envelop Says ‘Receipts.'”

Greg looks at Tom with a scared look in Succession.

Just because Greg might be too incompetent to really be as effective as a ruthless corporate shark doesn’t mean he doesn’t try to be. His intentions are as dishonest as anyone else. It is just that he usually makes a bumbling mess of things.

When he is finally convinced by Tom to hand over the evidence, Tom is disappointed to see that the files are kept in a package labeled “Secrets.” However, Greg is increasingly proud of himself by naming the actual folder “Receipts” to hide his tracks.

Subtle Threats

“I Would Just Think Anyone Would Be Wise To Keep Me In A Good Role.”

greg nicholas braun succession season 3, episode 2 winners and losers (5)

The fact that Greg comes off as such a goof can sometimes work in his favor. While it is certainly not all an act, it does make people underestimate him and fail to see him as someone with something up his sleeve.

When Greg begins to believe Kendall will be taking over the business, he is quick to show his support. But he also carefully lets Kendall know that he has some very sensitive information that no one would want to get out and it would be wise to keep him happy.

Picking Easy Targets

“Apparently, I-I Can’t Technically Sue Ewan While He’s Still Alive. But I Can Sue Greenpeace.”

Greg wears a business suit while looking perplexed in Succession.

To some, Greg can seem like one of the few members of the Roy family who can be considered a decent person. He even tries to get out of his position working with the news branch of the company because it goes against his principles.

However, it later becomes clear that any good that is in Greg disappears once his money is threatened. After his grandfather reveals he is donating Greg’s inheritance to Greenpeace, Greg seeks various shifty methods of getting it back, including suing the charity.

Selling His Soul

“What Am I Going To Do With A Soul Anyways?”

Greg from Succession looks at himself in a public bathroom mirror.

While much of the focus is placed on which of the Roy children will be able to take over the company from their father, the end of season 3 revealed some unexpected power plays. Tom proved himself much more conniving than he was given credit for and he invited Greg to work along with him.

When attempting to recruit Greg, Tom admits that it will require some dirty dealing on their part. At this point, Greg seems to accept that he is a bad person and remarks, “What am I going to do with a soul anyway” before joining Tom.