Stunning Sabine Wren Cosplay Confirms She’s A True Jedi Knight

Stunning Sabine Wren Cosplay Confirms She’s A True Jedi Knight

A recent Star Wars cosplay shows Sabine Wren as a true Jedi Knight wielding a green lightsaber, confirming her Jedi path from the Ahsoka show. Sabine was introduced in Star Wars Rebels as a spunky Mandalorian with a complicated family history, but the Ahsoka show saw her in a very different role. Between Rebels and Ahsoka, Sabine had begun training as Ahsoka Tano’s apprentice, learning the ways of the Force. While Sabine had walked away from that path, by the Ahsoka season 1 ending, Sabine showcased her Force abilities, suggesting she may be a Jedi after all.

Audiences were divided about the notion of Sabine Wren being a Force user and Jedi apprentice, but one cosplayer has made her position on the matter very clear. The cosplay, posted by lucys.folklore on Instagram, shows Sabine Wren wielding a green lightsaber, confirming her Jedi path.

Despite being controversial, Sabine Wren’s turn toward the path of a Jedi solidifies what George Lucas (and several Star Wars characters) have always said about the Force.

Sabine Wren’s Jedi Path Doesn’t Change The Rules Of The Force

Stunning Sabine Wren Cosplay Confirms She’s A True Jedi Knight

Sabine Wren

Created By

Dave Filoni


Natasha Liu Bordizzo
, Tiya Sircar

First Appearance

Star Wars Rebels


Mandalorians, Rebel Alliance, Jedi

When the Force was introduced in A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi was very clear about its nature, explaining that the Force resides in all living things. While certain individuals have a greater sensitivity to it, making them perhaps more suitable for the life of a Jedi, the Force is not exclusively used by or accessible to the Jedi or the Sith. In fact, even midi-chlorians, which indicate someone’s potential in the Force, don’t carry that much weight in terms of one’s Force abilities.

Sabine didn’t have the natural aptitude for the Force that would have had the Jedi Order of the Star Wars prequel trilogy bringing her to Coruscant as a youngling—in fact, Huyang comically points out that she is one of the worst he’s ever seen—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Instead, Sabine’s Jedi path serves to support what George Lucas always intended. While she does not naturally wield exceptional power in the way that Anakin Skywalker or Master Yoda did, Sabine still has the ability to channel the Force through her, which is precisely what she does in Ahsoka.

It remains to be seen how far Sabine’s Jedi path will go, as she only showed prowess with the Force a few times in the Ahsoka show. However, the upcoming Ahsoka season 2 will no doubt give audiences a better sense of what Sabine’s future holds in terms of becoming a Jedi and growing in her Force abilities. Either way, though, as the stunning Star Wars cosplay shows, Sabine Wren is already well on her way to becoming a true Jedi Knight.