Steven Universe: 10 Most Emotional Scenes In The Show’s History, Ranked

Steven Universe: 10 Most Emotional Scenes In The Show’s History, Ranked

Rebecca Sugar’s Steven Universe works as well for adults as it does for children, simply because the characters don’t spend their time spouting vague morals and getting into amazing battles but actually try to bond with each other. Every episode, every song, has a meaning deeper than what it appears on the surface; each of them expands on the world of possibility when one loves and accepts others for what they are and what they can become.

There are countless heartbreaking moments in the narrative, many of them involving hatred, fear, or jealousy, especially where these emotions have no place being. The arduous task is categorizing the various events that touched audiences over the course of the series, but there certainly are a few that stand out more than the rest.

White Diamond’s Peace

Steven Universe: 10 Most Emotional Scenes In The Show’s History, Ranked

When Steven and the Crystal Gems appear before White Diamond, she successfully converts everyone in the room into her grayscale zombies, except for the protagonist (and Connie.)

However, she fails to “extract” Pink Diamond from his belly and begins screaming about him being an immature child. Steven merely asks her what her excuse is, instantly embarrassing White Diamond (and exposing faded pink flaw marks that appear on her cheeks as a blush would.)

The Betrayal Of Bismuth


Bismuth is un-bubbled by the Crystal Gems, elated that they have another warrior to fight off Homeworld on their side. Unfortunately, this particular character discloses her real intentions to Steven, claiming that there is no other way towards victory than through murder.

This is where he realizes why Rose Quartz had kept Bismuth hidden away, and sadly tells her that he cannot let her path be the one they take. Against every fiber in his being, Steven reverts his opponent into her static state, an act that upsets him greatly as it involves actually stabbing her.

Blue Diamond Changes Her Mind

Blue Diamond

Blue Diamond is the first to acknowledge that Pink Diamond has gone forever, transferred into the human form known as Steven Universe. Yellow disagrees vehemently, which results in a small battle until the hero explains the entire story to her.

At this point, both Diamonds accept their mistakes and attempt to assist their new friends in fleeing the inevitable clutches of White Diamond. This change of heart is incredibly touching, to say the least, especially since they are flying in the face of direct orders.

Rose Quartz’s Prerecorded Videotape

Rose Quartz in her Videotape

Steven locates a secret video cassette deep within Lion’s mane-dimension, which he then proceeds to watch along with Sadie. Here he learns that he would have been named Nora if he had been born female.

The video takes the boy on a trip across the past, of their parents, of the Crystal Temple, but most of all, a heartfelt declaration of love from mother to son. It has Steven and Sadie in tears at the end, and there is no doubt a sizeable fraction of the audience joined in as well.

Steven’s Sacrifice

Steven Universe Surrender

As the team fights off Aquamarine and the Homeworld Gems (with a lot of help from Alexandrite), but they are no match at the end. They demand the relinquishing of someone called “my dad”, which turns out to not be Steven as the villains believe.

To protect everyone from being dragged along to be judged by the Diamonds, he acknowledges the fact that he is his mom, who was Rose Quartz in a different form. Steven’s goodbye is as beautiful as it is tragic.

The Birth Of Obsidian

Steven Universe Obsidian

Audiences have waited for the fusion between all four Crystal Gems for the longest time. Interestingly, several fans suspect that the Crystal Temple is likely the combination of Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz. They get their wish (in a different way), when the show reveals Obsidian, with Steven playing the role of his mother.

It is an exhilarating sight — the fusion is an exquisite monster that doesn’t speak, only roars. Obsidian goes on to show exactly how strong it is when it takes on the enormous mecha piloted by White Diamond.

Pearl’s Goodbye Song To Rose Quartz

Steven Universe Pearl

Pearl has never liked Greg Universe, the reason for which is simple: he “took Rose Quartz away from her. She’s usually taciturn with him, confusing the poor man who only wants to be friends with her.

However, at one painfully poignant point, Pearl has an epiphany about her affection for her old friend/lover, admitting that she will always feel the same way about her, but finally accepts that she chose Greg. In short, she recognizes that respecting Rose’s decision is more important than a past she’s not letting go of. The song performed by Pearl is downright gorgeous, in every sense of the word.

Rose Quartz Shattering Pink Diamond

Steven Universe Pearl Pink Diamond

In a major twist, one of the Ruby warriors on the Moon claims she was present during the battle for Earth several millennia ago, and says that she watched as “Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond.” This revelation is abrupt, and basically turns the entire point of the story on its head.

If she, the leader of the revolution, the compassionate mother, the loyal friend, could have committed an act so callous, then does it reflect on the Crystal Gems? Thankfully, everything’s resolved when Pearl says that she took Rose’s form to “poof” Pink Diamond but made it looks as if she was broken.


Steven Holding Lars

In the Homeworld underground hideout for the off-color gems, the group assists Steven and Lars in destroying the Robonoids, but due to the latter’s timely effort, manages to destroy it. The resulting explosion throws the latter off with such force that he rams against the side of the wall.

For the first time ever, a major character in Steven Universe dies, which simultaneously stunned and terrified the viewers. As everyone fervently began hoping for a miracle, one of Steven’s magical tears fall onto the body of his friend, restoring Lars to life (albeit now pink-skinned.) This moment is probably one of the biggest emotional roller-coasters there is.

The Revelation Of Garnet

Steven Universe Ruby Sapphire Garnet

Fusions had been known in the early timeline of the series, but Steven had never officially met one. When Jasper’s team captures all of them and stows them aboard their ship, only he can escape the energy-prison, as it’s not meant for humans.

He releases a captive Ruby, who instantly runs off to find her mate, and he later sets Sapphire free also. The adorable scene in which Ruby and Sapphire hug and kiss each other is tear-jerking, but when they fuse together to form Garnet? That’s another story entirely. A lot more waterworks during their wedding, though.