Stargirl: The Injustice Society’s Goal Is Actually… Good?

Stargirl: The Injustice Society’s Goal Is Actually… Good?

Warning: The following feature contains SPOILERS for Stargirl season 1, episode 12, “Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One.”

The penultimate episode of Stargirl season 1 revealed the details of the Injustice Society’s plans and how they were truly working towards a greater good. Unfortunately, their plan to establish a Utopian state in the middle of the American heartland depended on one fine point that the new Justice Society could not not overlook.

Made up of some of the world’s most powerful and highly trained supervillains, the Injustice Society of America killed off their adversaries in the Justice Society of America in Stargirl’s pilot episode. After that, they established themselves in the small town of Blue Valley, Nebraska and began working on some manner of grand scheme. Not many details of their plans were revealed as the season went on, but it was known that the telepathic powers of Brainwave were a key part of the plan and that Dragon King was building some manner of machine that would work in concert with Brainwave’s abilities.

All was revealed in Stargirl, season 1, episode 12, “Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One,” as the new Justice Society launched a daring raid on the Injustice Society’s underground lair. As Stargirl and STRIPE targeted one entrance and Wildcat, Hourman and Shining Knight went through another, Doctor Mid-Nite attempted to hack the Injustice Society’s computers from Barbara Whitmore’s office inside the American Dream building. While doing this, Doctor Mid-Nite confirmed their worst fears; the Injustice Society intended to brainwash roughly 100 million people, reprogramming them to believe in a document they dubbed “The New Constitution” as they formed a new nation in the middle of the United States. However, after speed-reading through the New Constitution, Doctor Mid-Nite was stunned to discovered that the goals of the Injustice Society once they seized power were downright heroic, by most standards.

Stargirl: The Injustice Society’s Goal Is Actually… Good?

The New Constitution had sections devoted to combating global warming, embracing green energy sources and outlawing all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender and sexual orientation. They also had plans to institute a universal healthcare system at the national level. While this would all undoubtedly seem evil to the oil companies and insurance industry, the Justice Society had to admit that sounded pretty reasonable if you ignored the fact that the Injustice Society was utilizing mass brainwashing to bring about their agenda.

Thankfully, for the sake of Big Oil and Big Pharma, Doctor Mid-Nite quickly realized there was one problem with the Injustice Society’s plan. Even the most generous medical assessments predicted that the mind control process would be 25% fatal and that those who were too strong-willed or set in their ways to have their minds changed would die horribly. Naturally that’s something Stargirl and her allies couldn’t allow, even if the end result might be a better America. It remains to be seen, however, if they’ll be able to win out in Part 2 of the season finale.