Starfield: Should You Spare Tomisar in Divided Loyalties?

Starfield: Should You Spare Tomisar in Divided Loyalties?

Starfield gives players the opportunity to decide the fate of Tomisar, a House Va’ruun higher-up, at the end of the side quest “Divided Loyalties.” House Va’ruun is one of three playable religions in Starfield, which players can pick when they begin a new game. Each one has its ups and downs, benefits and detriments, but whichever one a player picks, they’re pretty much stuck with it. Unlike many of the other factions in the game, there’s no official quest to join any of the religions midgame. Players mostly brush up against them as part of side quests that involve their claimed territories or sworn members – in this case, Andreja.

Andreja is one of 26 non-procedurally generated companions in Starfield, and one of only four who can be romanced. She starts out as a fellow member of Constellation, and eventually reveals that she’s a lapsed member of House Va’ruun. She can be recruited at The Lodge after completing the early-game quest “Into the Unknown.” Once she’s traveled with the player character enough to trust them, she’ll reveal her past and her friends’ mysterious betrayal. The ensuing quest, “Divided Loyalties, leads her and the player character across space to a derelict station in the Murphid system, where they finally encounter the man responsible and must decide what to do with him.

Starfield: Should You Spare Tomisar in Divided Loyalties?


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What Happens If Players Kill Tomisar In Starfield’s “Divided Loyalties”?

Tomisar grimaces in a screenshot from Starfield.

None of the dialogue choices in the confrontation with Tomisar matter until Andreja speaks directly to the player character. She explains that she’s tormented over this decision: she’s worried about potential consequences, but given Tomisar’s betrayal, she feels he deserves what’s coming to him. In order for the player character to kill Tomisar, they must select, “I’ll do it, so you don’t have to,” during their conversation with Andreja.

They can then open fire. Tomisar’s not much of a fighter, and should go down with one or two well-placed shots without ever firing back. The player character can loot his inventory, too, but there’s not much of interest in Tomisar’s pockets: just a few paltry credits, an Eon, some ammo, and the clothes on his back. Killing him for loot alone isn’t as rewarding as, for example, killing Delgado in Starfield.

Surprisingly, Andreja doesn’t express much of an opinion immediately after the player character attacks Tomisar. There are no approval or disapproval pop-ups. She instead pulls them aside later and expresses all her thoughts on the situation. She’s a bit regretful since she worries that killing Tomisar has ruined her chances of ever returning to her home and her loved ones, all of which are still tied up in House Va’ruun. However, she reveals that she’s grateful for the player character’s willingness to exact revenge on her behalf, and for the protection and companionship afforded her by Constellation.

Thus ends “Divided Loyalties” and, for the most part, the player character’s time with House Va’ruun. While there are a couple of other side quests that touch on the religion and its adherents, Tomisar’s death doesn’t seem to bother too many of them. No other quests will be locked out, the people of Dazra, House Va’ruun’s headquarters, won’t become hostile, and House Va’ruun ships won’t attack the player randomly in space — at least, not any more than they usually do. Tomisar is something of a fringe leader, even among House Va’ruun, and works pretty much independently. No one seems to miss him, least of all Andreja.

What Happens If Players Spare Tomisar In Starfield’s “Divided Loyalties”?

Andreja making a disgusted face with a barren planet in the background.

If the player instead chooses “He’s not worth it. You would lose too much,” during their sidebar with Andreja, she relents and decides to let Tomisar go. However, Tomisar promises to tell the House Va’ruun High Council about Andreja’s betrayal, although she promises to tell them about his in retaliation. It’s a messy situation. Tied up in High Council bureaucracy, Tomisar is more likely to get off easily as an authority figure – but at the very least, more people will be aware of his treachery. Still, this choice ruins Andreja’s chances of reconnecting with the Great Serpent just the same as if she had killed him.

Ultimately, the nonviolent choice has more or less the same effect as the violent one, with one crucial difference: it’s less satisfying. While it’s possible to debate over whether Tomisar deserves death for his betrayal, there’s no way he should be allowed to get off scot-free. However, it won’t affect the player character’s relationship with Andreja. She neither approves nor disapproves of this decision, just as she neither approves nor dissaproves of Tomisar’s death. Later on, she expresses the same worry that she won’t be able to return to House Va’ruun, now that its leadership has knowledge of her betrayal, but she’s still happy to be rid of Tomisar.

What Happens If Players Let Andreja Kill Tomisar In Starfield’s “Divided Loyalties”?

Andreja aims a rifle at Tomisar on board a space station in a screenshot from Starfield.

If, instead of killing Tomisar themselves or letting him walk, the player chooses “Give your friends the vengeance they deserve,” during the conversation with Andreja, she wholeheartedly agrees. Andreja draws her weapon and fires at Tomisar herself, killing him just as easily as the player character would. Again, she doesn’t offer her immediate approval or disapproval of this option, and her dialogue after the fact is nearly identical to what follows the other available choices.

Although initially conflicted, Andreja eventually accepts Tomisar’s death at her hands as closure, and moves past her fear of the High Council’s retaliation. She willingly leaves behind her life with House Va’ruun in exchange for her found family in Constellation. There are no further consequences, except the opportunity to romance Andreja if her affinity is high enough, which exists with any other option. As the player character’s decision to kill Tomisar never comes back to bite them, neither does Andreja’s. She’ll move onto the next stage of her life, severing all connection with House Va’ruun, although she may occasionally still mention it in dialogue.

You Should Let Andreja Kill Tomisar In Starfield

Ultimately, the best course of action in Starfield‘s “Divided Loyalties” is to let Andreja kill Tomisar when prompted. It has more or less the same outcome as the player character killing Tomisar themselves, except it puts a more satisfying button on Andreja’s storyline. However, there are truly no negative consequences for any of the available options, so the only thing this choice changes is Andreja’s dialogue after the quest is over.

None of the choices in “Divided Loyalties” hurt the player character’s romance options in Starfield, either. No matter what they choose, Andreja’s affinity won’t increase or decrease, although they should’ve had plenty of other opportunities to raise it throughout the rest of the game. After completing this mission, if their affinity is high enough, the player will be presented with a scene in which they can express their love for Andreja, regardless of what they choose to do with Tomisar.

If the player character commits to Andreja, and she makes it to the end of Starfield alive, they’ll be treated to a special epilogue in the final cutscene. Besides the standard romantic ending, which describes the player’s chosen companion eventually following them into the Unity and becoming an inspiration for couples everywhere, the special epilogue explains that Andreja’s brave apostasy caused many House Va’ruun members to begin questioning the church’s teachings. While it doesn’t mean an immediate end to the church, it definitely represents a decrease in its overall power.

Letting Andreja get her own revenge on Tomisar is only the best option because it makes for a fulfilling story moment. Players should feel totally free to do whatever makes the most sense to them here. Pacifistic or Va’ruun-sympathetic characters may choose to let Tomisar go, while others may prefer to keep Andreja’s hands clean and kill Tomisar themselves. Whatever the outcome, it has little to no impact on the chances of romancing Andreja, or on the wider galaxy of Starfield.

Starfield Game Poster


Bethesda Game Studios presents Starfield – the first original IP from the studio in twenty-five-plus years. Set in the year 2310, the United Colonies and Freestar Collective are observing a shaky truce after a war set 20 years prior. The player will customize their character as a member of a space exploration team called Constellation while navigating The Settled Systems and the conflicts between the warring factions. According to Bethesda, players can explore over 100 systems and 1000 planets to find resources and build their ships, living out their own sci-fi journeys.

PC , Xbox Series X/S

September 6, 2023

Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Softworks

Open-World , RPG , Sci-Fi