Starfield: First Contact Quest Walkthrough (& Every Outcome)

Starfield: First Contact Quest Walkthrough (& Every Outcome)


Starfield has a variety of side quests that provide you with every choice you could think of, but few are as tense as the ones seen in “First Contact,” a mission where your decisions could lead to grave outcomes. You might find this mission early in your journey, with a series of objectives that test your character’s morality. Different rewards are offered depending on how you handle the delicate situation in this quest.

“First Contact” will appear as a mission when you go to the Porrima system, specifically the planet Porrima II. A world fairly close to the starting areas of Alpha Centauri, a simple route would be travel to the Olympus system, then Volii, and finally the destination at Porrima. This place is famous for the Paradiso Resort, a location where your character can get the rare Swimsuit outfit in Starfield. It is also worth noting that you must finish this quest before facing Starfield‘s Final Boss and ending the game, as you will not be able to come back to this quest.

Speak to Jiro Sugiyama

Starfield: First Contact Quest Walkthrough (& Every Outcome)

A distress beacon from the Resort in Starfield may appeal to your curiosity, leading you to speak to Chief Jiro Sugiyama, an NPC who tells you about a huge ship floating in orbit that won’t respond to any communications. Apparently, the vessel showed up recently and has many residents of the planet spooked. He asks you to approach the ship and be a diplomat between Porrima and whoever could be piloting the craft.

Sugiyama asks that you keep this mission to yourself and try to resolve anything with this strange ship without any violence. He recommends that you report back to the CEO of Paradiso, Oliver Campbell when you finish your investigations. Get your ship, supplies, and companions in Starfield ready for a tense boarding process as you must now travel closer to the mysterious, inactive transport.

Board the Strange Ship

Starfield Strange Ship to Board Called ECS Constant Floating Above Porrima II

Return to Porrima II’s orbit as your mission marker suggests and get closer to the unidentified ship, then try to establish contact with anyone inside. Unfortunately, it does not seem like anyone can respond, adding to the ominous feeling the higher-ups in the Resort may have already. Similar to how you would steal a ship in Starfield, this vessel’s engines are broken, allowing you to get within 500 meters to board it.

Entering this ship reveals a group of people and their captain, Diana Brackenridge, who explains that you now stand in the ECS Constant. Apparently, this vessel has been traveling slowly through the stars for the last 200 years since they abandoned Earth without access to faster than light travel. The descendants of the Constant’s original voyagers, now guided by Diana, wish to settle now after a long journey on Porrima II.

Report Your Findings to Oliver Campbell

Starfield Reporting Findings from Strange Ship to Paradiso Resort CEO Oliver Campbell in

The next step in this quest asks you to return what you have learned to Paradiso’s CEO, Oliver, who will begin a series of negotiations that branch into three choices. On the executive floor of the Resort Group’s building, Oliver will ask you to convince Constant’s crew to work off the debt of living “freely” at Paradiso. The two other board members here will also agree to this course of action in Starfield.

While this may seem like an ultimatum, the other options here are buying a grav drive for the Constant that allows the crew to jump to another planet or blow up the ship. Each choice has a unique reward set ranging from valuable materials to rare weapons in Starfield. Keep in mind that the fate of everyone on board the ECS Constant will be decided by your choice alone.

Convince Diana to Take the Settlement Deal

Starfield Convincing Daisuke NPC from Constant Ship to Hand Over Materials for Settlement Deal Taken by Captain Diana

The easiest choice comes from returning to Diana on the Constant and convincing her to take the deal offered by Oliver Campbell. Diana is relatively easy to persuade since she and her crew have to survive on an unfamiliar planet anyway. You must gather some raw materials to give them a head start on supplies for their eventual settlement, including 40 Fiber, 80 Iron, 20 Sealant, and 10 Lithium in Starfield.

Those who have farmed other resources before should have little to no issues gathering what the crew of the Constant needs, but you can convince the settlers to give you their supplies as well. With a high enough Persuasion check in Starfield to Diana, she’ll take you to Daisuke Levits, another crew member who has stored materials. This NPC will give you 15 Fiber, 50 Iron, 12 Sealant, and 6 Lithium to get you started.

To finish the mission, gather all the materials and take Diana with some of her crew members down to Paradiso, where the negotiations will conclude with Oliver Campbell. As a reward, you will get an XM-2311 Pistol with .45 bullet ammo to fire this rare weapon. In addition, you will also gain tons of XP and Old Earth artifacts that sell for a large amount of Credits at many shops throughout the galaxy in Starfield.

Get the ECS Constant a New Grav Drive

Starfield Getting ECS Constant a New Grav Drive From HopeTech Company in

To prevent the ECS Constant crew from having to work for Paradiso to clear a massive debt, you can travel to the Valo system to buy a special grav drive that will help Diana’s crew jump to a new planet to settle. This path will take you to HopeTech, a company in Starfield on the planet Polvo, with unfortunately no help from Paradiso or their cheap executives. Speak to NPC Bennu St. James, an influential figure in this ship tech empire.

Bennu will sell you a grav drive for 40,000 Credits, a hefty price, unless your character persuades them to drop the value down to around 25,000 Credits with a successful check or two. Once you purchase the drive-in Starfield, return to the Constant and talk to Amin Kazemi, the Old Earth ship’s lead engineer. They will have you complete a few tasks around the vessel to help install the drive properly.

Follow your quest marker to the right sections of the ship and follow Kazemi’s instructions to finish the quest as Constant’s crew prepares to leave the Porrima system. The rewards here are the XM-2311 Pistol again, with different modifications than before, and Old Earth artifacts, along with a healthy chunk of XP in Starfield.

Destroy the ECS Constant

Starfield Destroying the ECS Constant Ship By Adjusting its Reactor in

The final and most brutal option here is to blow up the Constant, killing Diana and every crew member aboard. This choice comes when Oliver suggests that someone could theoretically overload Constant’s reactor in Starfield, triggering an explosion if the ship’s safety systems are disabled. To do this, pickpocket engineer Kazemi to have access to the reactor computer and set it to Emergency Overload.

From here, go to the bridge and find Diana’s computer, which you cannot operate without having the Security skill unlocked for your character in Starfield. The Overload request is waiting to be confirmed by your character here, which causes alarms to blare and the Constant’s guards to become hostile immediately. Retreat to your ship, fly away, and watch the fireworks.

While pretty much any companion will be horrified by this course of action, Oliver will give you an unlimited pass to Paradiso with 6,500 Credits for caring for the Constant. Out of every outcome for the “First Contact” quest in Starfield, this one has the only chance to receive almost nothing if you try to ask for more Credits since this causes Oliver to give you none if you try to increase your payment.

  • Starfield Game Poster

    PC, Xbox Series X/S


    Bethesda Game Studios

    Bethesda Softworks

    Open-World, RPG, Sci-Fi


    Bethesda Game Studios presents Starfield – the first original IP from the studio in twenty-five-plus years. Set in the year 2310, the United Colonies and Freestar Collective are observing a shaky truce after a war set 20 years prior. The player will customize their character as a member of a space exploration team called Constellation while navigating The Settled Systems and the conflicts between the warring factions. According to Bethesda, players can explore over 100 systems and 1000 planets to find resources and build their ships, living out their own sci-fi journeys.