Star Wars Video Reveals The Purge Of Mandalore & Bo-Katan’s Greatest Defeat

Star Wars Video Reveals The Purge Of Mandalore & Bo-Katan’s Greatest Defeat

An amazing fan-made animated video shows the Great Purge as referenced in Star Wars’ The Mandalorian, the site of Bo-Katan Kryze’s greatest defeat. First mentioned in The Mandalorian season 1, episode 1, the Great Purge of Mandalore is what forced Mandalorians like Din Djarin and his covert to scatter and go into hiding. Only smaller hints such as the Night of a Thousand Tears and the Armorer’s brief glimpse at the fusion bombings were offered until Bo-Katan herself provided a more detailed account of what happened in The Mandalorian season 3. Her surrender to Moff Gideon was rendered useless, and countless Mandalorians still died in what is very likely one of the galaxy’s most devastating purges.

Despite the importance of this tragic event, the Great Purge of Mandalore has still barely been shown, but this incredible fan-made animated video by Sir Dinzhi brings it to life. This detailed animation includes fist fights, the Darksaber, and a stunningly tragic ending shot that encompass everything viewers could want. The video even uses Bo-Katan’s dialogue from The Mandalorian season 3 as a perfect, yet devastating voiceover.

Will Star Wars Ever Show The Purge Of Mandalore?

Star Wars Video Reveals The Purge Of Mandalore & Bo-Katan’s Greatest Defeat

Now that the retaking of Mandalore has already happened, it’s uncertain whether Star Wars will go back and show the Purge of Mandalore. Given that Ahsoka‘s Sabine Wren still has yet to reconcile with losing her family in the Purge, a flashback from her perspective or some kind of Force vision could allow more of the Purge to be seen, but any other chances at seeing it in live-action seem unlikely at this point. As far as animation goes, however, there could still be a chance. Whether it’s an addition to something like Tales of the Jedi on Sabine’s half or simply a part of a new animated miniseries, the Purge could be shown in animation to fill in all the details of this devastating event.

The Great Purge still has rippling effects on the Mandalorians, even after retaking their homeworld – they will now have to spend many years rebuilding what they once had. In the midst of this is the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who no doubt would see Mandalorians as a threat and could potentially try to stop their progress as it’s just beginning. Hopefully, the Mandalorians will be able to stay together rather than divide again to fight off any potential threats, but that’s left to be seen in The Mandalorian season 4 and the upcoming movie set in the same era.