Star Wars Theory: The Dark Side Has Transformed A Fan-Favorite Hero

Star Wars Theory: The Dark Side Has Transformed A Fan-Favorite Hero

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #20

A fan-favorite Star Wars hero may have just transformed into a puppet of the dark side of the Force. As seen in the latest issue of Doctor Aphra, the titular archaeologist has been tracking down an old classmate hellbent on recovering artifacts and devices built by the Ascendant, an ancient dark side cult. However, it seems as though one of their most powerful relics has been turned on Aphra herself in this new issue.

In previous issues of Doctor Aphra from Alyssa Wong and Minkyu Jung, Aphra’s classmate Kho Phon Farrus has been after the technology created by the Ascendant. While the dark side worshippers couldn’t wield the dark side of the Force themselves like the Sith, they made attempts to replicate their powerful abilities with devices like the thought dowser, capable of bending minds to the wielder’s will. However, Kho’s true mission has been to find the Ascendant’s powerful Spark Eternal, an artifact that could allegedly conquer death.

Now, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #20 sees both Aphra and Farrus returning to the University of Bar’leth. While Sana Starros comes along as backup for Aphra, Farrus is aided by their old “sava” (professor) who uncovered the Ascendant temple underneath the school years ago. While Aphra intends to claim the Spark, the professor fulfills a ritual and the dark artifact ends up killing Aphra. However, her wounds begin to heal as she’s apparently become possessed by the device, potentially being sourced from the genuine dark side of the Force rather than an imitation.

Star Wars Theory: The Dark Side Has Transformed A Fan-Favorite Hero

If this is indeed just some sort of technology and not the true dark side of the Force, it’s an incredibly good replication. The closest thing to Aphra’s dark transformation in the pre-existing canon is the spirit of Darth Momin, the Sith architect who helped construct Darth Vader’s castle on Mustafar. Anyone who wore his helmet would become possessed by the Dark Lord. As such, something similar seems to be happening here in this new issue of Doctor Aphra.

Did the Ascendant stumble upon the true power of the dark side with the Spark Eternal? It was said in previous issues that there were some things the dark side cult discovered that were too powerful even for the Sith. Perhaps the Spark Eternal was one of them. At any rate, it’s clear that something very dark has transformed Doctor Aphra in this new issue, creating a rather large mystery as to how she might be able to free herself in future issues of the Star Wars series.