Star Wars Theory Introduces A Third New Galaxy & Sets Up Intergalactic Adventures

Star Wars Theory Introduces A Third New Galaxy & Sets Up Intergalactic Adventures

A new Star Wars theory sets up the introduction of another galaxy in the near future with the franchise fully embracing intergalactic travel. As seen in Ahsoka, travel between galaxies was introduced with the world of Peridea, the world in which Grand Admiral Thrawn and Jedi Ezra Bridger were exiled for nearly a decade. However, Star Wars could be going even further with Skeleton Crew, the next Star Wars show which is set to star actor Jude Law as a primary protagonist during the New Republic era.

Recently, a synopsis for the upcoming Skeleton Crew show teases the potential for another galaxy. Set for a tentative release at the end of 2023, this would mean that Skeleton Crew could follow Ahsoka’s lead by featuring more extragalactic worlds existing outside the confines of the known Star Wars galaxy. To that end, it’s also possible that new methods of intergalactic travel could be introduced as well, potentially even bringing back an old Legends concept into the established Star Wars canon.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew’s Kids Could Be From ANOTHER Galaxy

Star Wars Theory Introduces A Third New Galaxy & Sets Up Intergalactic Adventures

The new description for the upcoming Skeleton Crew series coming to Disney+ from director Jon Watts is rather intriguing:

“In the first episode of the Skeleton Crew we are introduced to four kids who make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet and get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home, meeting unlikely allies and enemies, will be a greater adventure than they ever imagined.”

What’s important to note is that this synopsis doesn’t confirm these kids will be stranded in their own galaxy. Instead, it’s possible that these kids could be coming from their home galaxy and find themselves stranded in the known Star Wars galaxy. As such, it stands to reason that they’ll be interacting with foreign concepts such as the Jedi, Imperial Remnant, and New Republic (which are of course established and known to the audience).This falls in line with the Skeleton Crew footage that was shown at Star Wars Celebration 2023 where these kids are living on a world that seemingly resembles an Earth-like planet, only to be thrust into a new galaxy full of action and adventure with the help of Jude Law’s as-of-yet unknown character (though he’s rumored to be a former Jedi). After Ahsoka ventured out to another galaxy, the idea of extragalactic characters coming into the known galaxy is quite compelling.Related: How To Watch Star Wars Movies In Order

Star Wars Needs More Than Just Space Whales To Travel The Galaxies


There are two primary ways in which extragalactic travel has been achieved in the Star Wars canon thus far. The first is more organic thanks to star whales known as purrgil. Having been followed by early spacefarers to safely map out and explore the galaxy in the distant past, purrgil have the ability to jump through hyperspace. Furthermore, Ahsoka confirms that star whales can also travel between galaxies.

The star whales explain how Ezra and Thrawn ended up on Peridea located in another galaxy after Ezra used the Force to bond with a pod of purrgil, sending them both into exile. It’s also how Ahsoka got to Peridea herself in the recent Star Wars show, following Morgan Elsebth who’d constructed a massive hyperspace ring known as the Eye of Sion to bring Thrawn back (the other confirmed method of intergalactic travel). That being said, it’s unlikely that Star Wars will solely rely on either the star whales or Thrawn’s unique ship to achieve intergalactic travel in the future.

To that end, it stands to reason that new ways of traveling between galaxies will soon be introduced. Assuming that the kids in Skeleton Crew do find themselves inadvertently stranded in the Star Wars galaxy apart from their own, neither the star whales nor the hyperspace ring in Thrawn’s possession make much sense. Instead, a past method from Star Wars’ non-canon Legends materials could be brought back to explain their unintended journey.

Star Wars Legends Has Already Set Up A Way To Travel Between Galaxies

Red covered Dathomir

In Legends, the early alien race known as the Kwa constructed a network of portal devices known as Infinity Gates. These gates could transport beings and ships across the galaxy instantaneously. Originally the native race of Dathomir, the Kwa and their Infinity Gates could easily play a new role focused on intergalactic travel within the established canon. After all, the extragalactic world of Peridea was the original home of the Nightsisters before they relocated to Dathomir in the known galaxy (for reasons unknown).

Having been killed off by the Nightsisters in Legends, the Kwa’s powerful Infinity Gates and the Star Temples that housed them fell under the control of the Force witches. That being said, there weren’t very many left after the Kwa destroyed several of the Gates after they were sought after by the Rakatans and their Infinite Empire (who were recently re-canonized themselves). As such, the Infinity Gates’ connection to the Nightsisters in Legends makes a lot of sense for the canon, especially now that the Witches have become so integral to intergalactic travel following Ahsoka.

Infinity Gates Would Allow Star Wars To Fully Embrace Intergalactic Adventures

Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka in The Mandalorian next to Jude Law's Jedi from Skeleton Crew

It would certainly be intriguing if Infinity Gates were brought back to the Star Wars canon with the added ability to travel between galaxies. The idea of a group of kids exploring a long-forgotten Star Temple which accidentally sends them to the known Star Wars galaxy sounds very exciting. Likewise, the plot then becomes trying to find another Infinity Gate assuming there’s no way back the way they came. This is also where Jude Law’s Jedi character could come in, helping them make their way back home.

Going beyond the upcoming Skeleton Crew show, canonical Infinity Gates would allow Star Wars to fully embrace the idea of more intergalactic adventures, expanding the narrative opportunities to a very high degree. Having first begun in earnest with Ahsoka, it would be very cool to see Skeleton Crew keep the new concept of intergalactic travel going when the new show starts streaming on Disney+. Although the Star Wars galaxy is already quite vast with countless worlds and characters, exploring whole new galaxies could very well be the next frontier going forward.