Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Episodes Of Season 6 (According To IMDb)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Episodes Of Season 6 (According To IMDb)

Following what was nothing short of an incredible season of The Clone Wars with season five, the show came back in a massive way with season six, which had some brilliant stories and episodes, unfortunately getting cut short following the takeover of the franchise by Disney. While a lot of arcs went unmade, what got made was, for the most part, fantastic.

Two of the arcs in the season are two of the most underrated and best in the show’s history, but, in the middle, the season did get lost a little in terms of quality, something to which IMDb can attest.

Worst – “Crisis At The Heart” (7.6)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Episodes Of Season 6 (According To IMDb)

“Crisis At The Heart” is the third and final episode of the mid-season arc that revolves around Padmé, Anakin at points, Clovis, and the Banking Clan.

The episode revolves around Clovis’ deal with Dooku, making him a pawn in Dooku’s game and bringing the war to Scipio, causing the Republic to interfere in affairs.

Best – “The Lost Ones” (8.6)

Count Dooku lightsaber duel with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars The Clone Wars

“The Lost Ones” is a standalone episode, and one of the very best standalone of the entire series at that, standing above a lot of the arc-related episodes as one of the best of season six.

After finding the lightsaber of Sifo-Dyas, an investigation gets launched by Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin, which in turn prompts Sidious to demand Dooku clean up the situation. This brings Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku to battle alongside the Pykes when the investigation leads the Jedi to Sifo-Dyas’ aid, Silman. The Jedi on Coruscant decipher that Dooku created the clones, and they were simply playing the game of a darker power.

Worst – “The Rise Of Clovis” (7.4)

Anakin Throws Rush Clovis Away from Padme Amidala in Star Wars The Clone Wars

“The Rise Of Clovis” is the second episode in the previously spoke about Banking Clan/Padmé/Clovis arc, and, according to IMDb, is a step-up from the first, and a step-down from the second.

The episode sees Clovis make a deal on Coruscant, which ends up making him the head of the Banking Clan. As well as that, Anakin and Padmé’s relationship comes to the point of nearly imploding due to Anakin’s feelings towards Clovis.

Best – “Destiny” (8.7)

The Force Priestesses speak with Yoda and tell him what he must do to understand life beyond th eForce in the Clone Wars

Yoda’s journey in season six is perhaps the most underrated arc in all of The Clone Wars. It is utterly fascinating and expertly crafted by Filoni and Lucas.

“Destiny” is the middle episode of the arc and has Yoda guided by the Force to an ancient world, which is one of the Wellsprings of the Force, and the source of midi-chlorians, where he meets five Priestesses incredibly strong in the Force who appear to hold the secrets to life out with the physical realm.

Worst – “An Old Friend” (7.2)

Staying with the Banking Clan/Clovis arc, it is a solid arc, and goes into Anakin and Padmé’s relationship, and gets better with every episode.

“An Old Friend” is the first of the three, and sees Padmé, who is on a mercy mission on Scipio, called by Rush Clovis to uncover alleged corruption within the Banking Clan.

Best – “Voices” (8.8)

“Voices” kicks off the arc of Yoda’s journey, and kicks off a story that introduces a slew of new ideas and thoughts to the lore of the franchise, as well as delving into the Force beautifully.

Yoda is prompted into thought and worry in this episode when he hears the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn. The Council worries Yoda has gotten corrupted, but Yoda manages to sneak away from the Temple and make his way on an eye-opening journey.

Worst – “The Disappeared: Part 2” (7.0)

“The Disappeared” is a two-episode arc that comes at the tail end of the season, and is the worst part about the season as a whole, mainly due to Jar Jar and his love interest Queen Julia.

Part two sees Queen Julia abducted by the mysterious Frangawl Cult, who are looking to fulfill an ancient dark prophecy. This leaves Jar Jar and Mace Windu as an unlikely team who must go and rescue the Queen.

Best – “Orders” (8.8)

Rex holds Fives as he dies trying to reveal the clone conspiracy in Star Wars The Clone Wars

The opening arc of season six is one of the most fascinating, and simultaneously heartbreaking arcs of the series, revolving around Fives finding out the secret of the clone’s inhibitor chips, and comes close to destroying Palpatine’s entire plot, if not for his genius, Fives not uncovering the whole truth, and nobody believing him.

“Orders” is the final episode of the arc and has the beloved Fives so close to finding out the whole truth before he gets accused of attempted murder on the Chancellor. Later, he meets with Anakin and Rex, and pleads with them to understand, telling them part of the story, before he is shot and killed by Fox, dying in Rex’s arms. Rex believed what he saw and kept a holorecording of it, not knowing exactly what went on, but that something was wrong; this helped him in season seven get his own chip removed.

Worst – “The Disappeared: Part 1” (6.7)

Jar Jar Binks and Mace Windu on a mission together in The Clone Wars

Going back to “The Disappeared,” before Queen Julia gets abducted, leaving the duo of Jar Jar and Mace to rescue her, there was part one of the story.

“The Disappeared: Part 1” sees the peaceful Bardotta threatened by ancient prophecies, with the planet’s spiritual leaders disappearing. Due to its importance, the Jedi Council have Mace Windu accompany Queen Julia’s most trusted person in the Senate whom she personally asks for, Jar Jar Binks.

Best – “Sacrifice” (9.1)

For many years, fans believed that “Sacrifice” was not only the finale of season six of The Clone Wars but the ending of the show as a whole. What a way to go it would have been.

“Sacrifice” takes Yoda to the ancient Sith planet of Moraband to pass the last of the Priestess’s tests, where he not only meets the legendary Darth Bane but gets faced with evil trials, with Sidious and Dooku using Sith sorcery to attempt to compromise and attack Yoda. Overall, the episode is incredible, with stunning moments, an immense duel, and is so interesting from a lore perspective.