Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ending & [SPOILER]’s Final Scene Explained

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ending & [SPOILER]’s Final Scene Explained

Warning! MAJOR SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7 finale ahead.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars has reached its conclusion as the season 7 finale officially brings the beloved cartoon to an end. Airing exclusively on Disney+, The Clone Wars season 7 is the last piece in the Skywalker saga, linking the events of the show with those of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and beyond. And while the fates of just about all of its characters are already known, it’s been no less thrilling to see how The Clone Wars finally ends.

All season long, The Clone Wars has been creeping ever closer to the climax of Revenge of the Sith – Order 66. That moment finally came in season 7’s penultimate episode, “Shattered”, with Ahsoka fighting off the clone troopers trying to kill her and saving Rex by removing the chip programmed to make him do the same. Ahsoka also frees Maul, banking on the havoc he’s bound to wreak as being a good distraction. It absolutely is, because Maul annihilates a hallway full of helpless clones, but it’s not enough to remove every obstacle blocking Ahsoka, Rex, or Maul’s escape.

In Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7, episode 12, “Victory and Death”, the Republic dies and from the ashes the Empire rises. Amid the chaos, Ahsoka and Rex do all they can to survive, as does Maul. Here’s everything that happens in The Clone Wars series finale, explained.

Darth Maul Escapes… To Make Crimson Dawn

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ending & [SPOILER]’s Final Scene Explained

The Clone Wars season 7’s finale picks up with Maul as his escape continues, showing him using the Force to crush the Republic cruiser’s engines. With its engines destroyed, the cruiser drops out of hyperspace and begins a free fall towards the nearest planet. Maul next comes upon the hangar, where Ahsoka and Rex are in a standoff with the remaining clones. He spies the ship Ahsoka and Rex are hoping to reach, and runs for it. Ahsoka and Rex try to stop him, but they can’t and Maul begins piloting the ship out of the hangar. Ahsoka reaches out with the Force and starts pulling the ship back, but Rex is coming under heavy fire and can’t hold out much longer. She lets go to save Rex and Maul escapes.

Thus ends Maul’s time on The Clone Wars, but he’s a character who remains active in the Star Wars galaxy for some time after. As was hinted at earlier in season 7, Maul is still overseeing the Shadow Collective, a syndicate of criminal organizations. It includes groups like the Pykes and Hutts, but also Crimson Dawn, the criminal organization Maul is seen leading in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The public face of Crimson Dawn, however, is Dryden Vos, and he does appear earlier in Clone Wars season 7 in a scene of Maul ordering the Shadow Collective’s leaders to go into hiding. Presumably, Maul is now on his way to rendezvous with the other members of the Collective, and Vos in particular, as they hunker down to ride out the rise of the Empire. Some time after Solo, Maul will turn up again in Star Wars Rebels, where he’ll again duel with Ahsoka before tracking down Obi-Wan on Tatooine.

There are certainly more stories left to tell about Maul, and future Star Wars media is sure to explore his time leading Crimson Dawn in more detail. For now, though, Maul’s journey feels complete. Exactly what happens to Maul during Revenge of the Sith and how he survives Order 66 are integral parts of his story. The Clone Wars has always been essential to developing Maul beyond his minutes-long appearance in The Phantom Menace, and in its series finale, the show has bridged that remaining gap in his journey.

Ahsoka & Rex Bury The Clones – Because They Were Just Doing Their Duty

Ahsoka looking over Clone Graves as she fakes her death in The Clone Wars season 7 finale

Ahsoka and Rex manage to find another ship and escape the cruiser themselves, but when they later do land at the cruiser’s crash site, it’s a grisly scene. The Clone Wars season 7 finale thankfully spares viewers the details, but the scene of Rex and Ahsoka leaving behind all the makeshift graves of the clones who perished in the crash implies enough. Even more important, though, is the fact that Ahsoka and Rex dig those graves and bury the clones themselves. The very clones who just earlier were determined to kill them both. It’s a remarkable moment, and one that proves yet again there was no truer Jedi than Ahsoka Tano.

When they are first escaping the medbay and then later through the hangar, Ahsoka is determined not to kill any of the clone troopers trying to gun her down. Rex, too, is conflicted over killing his own brothers, crying over the very idea, but he doesn’t see any other way around it. Ahsoka, however, comes up with clever plan to avoid killing any clones, and even when Maul ruins that plan, Rex and her continue to only neutralize and not kill the clones. They aren’t able to save them from the crashing cruiser, but Ahsoka refuses to personally cause any of their deaths. In her eyes, these clones are not responsible for their actions and are victims of Darth Sidious just as much as she.

In burying the clones, Ahsoka and Rex are treating them as the individuals they were so often not seen as by others. So much of The Clone Wars is about exploring the clones as people and not just cogs in the Republic’s war machine, and it’s fitting the series finale again reminds us of that in this poignant scene. Ahsoka and Rex paying their respects to the clones by giving them a proper burial is a heartbreaking way to end the Clone Wars.

Ahsoka Fakes Her Own Death

Ahsoka fakes her death and drops her lightsaber in The Clone Wars season 7 finale

In addition to burying the clones, Ahsoka also leaves behind her lightsabers, dropping them on the ground in what’s likely an attempt at leading anyone who discovers them to believe she too died in the crash. Like Maul, it’s no real surprise that Ahsoka survives Order 66 because she’s in Star Wars Rebels, but also like Maul, the piece of her journey that bridges the gap between Clone Wars and Rebels had until now been missing.

The Clone Wars season 7 finale perfectly prepares Ahsoka for where she goes next, having her again symbolically distance herself from the Jedi by abandoning her lightsabers. When Ahsoka returns in Rebels, she insists she is no longer a Jedi, and her new sabers are white, signifying her lack of alignment with either Jedi or Sith. The decision of whether or not to return to the Jedi Order has been hanging over Ahsoka throughout these final episodes of Clone Wars season 7, and whichever way she was leaning may have even been what Ahsoka wanted to tell Anakin. But none of that matters now. The Jedi are essentially gone, and by leaving behind her lightsabers to fake her death, Ahsoka is hoping to disappear just like them.

In the years that follow, Ahsoka will obscure her identity even further, working on behalf of the Rebellion as the secret agent, Fulcrum. It’s not until she meets another former Jedi, Kanan Jarrus, and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger, that Ahsoka seems to reconsider her stance, but even then, she’s hesitant to fully buy in again. Ahsoka’s time as a Jedi is tied to painful memories, much in the same way keeping her lightsabers would be a constant reminder of all that has happened – especially to her former Master, whose terrible fate she even senses but doesn’t understand.

Clone Wars’ Final Darth Vader Scene Explained

Darth Vader with Ahsoka lightsaber The Clone Wars season 7 finale

After Ahsoka leaves her lightsabers behind, The Clone Wars season 7 finale flashes forward in time. It’s the same spot on the same planet, only now it’s snowing and the inclement weather has removed practically all trace of the crashed ship and the clones’ graves. Darth Vader is shown arriving at the planet, accompanied by Imperial stormtroopers and probe droids. He approaches the site of the mass burial and picks up Ahsoka’s discarded lightsaber, briefly turning it on before looking up at the sky and seeing a familiar convor circling above. Extinguishing the lightsaber and taking it with him, Vader turns and leaves.

Exactly how long after Revenge of the Sith this scene takes place is unclear, but with Vader in his suit and the Empire seen employing stormtroopers instead of clones, it’s obvious a significant amount of time has passed, at least months if not more than a year. During this time, Vader has been hunting down any Jedi who managed to escape Order 66, and it’s possible this scene is a part of that. In fact, it’s very likely investigating what happened to Ahsoka would be a high priority for the Empire, with Palpatine wanting Vader to confirm whether his former Padawan lives or not. And normally, discovering Ahsoka’s lightsabers as Vader does would suggest that she died when the cruiser crashed, but when Vader sees the convor flying in the sky, it seems he knows she’s still alive.

The convor is a bird that has been strongly associated with Ahsoka for some time. First appearing in Rebels, Ahsoka calls the owl-like creature a friend to whom she owes her life. This has led many to believe the convor, known as Morai, is linked to the Daughter, a powerful light side Force-user who gave her life to save Ahsoka during The Clone Wars season 3’s Mortis Arc. The Daughter, along with the neutral-Father and dark side-Son, reappear in Rebels in an ancient painting, and it’s here Morai is shown perched on the Daughter’s shoulder, confirming their connection. The convor is present during several significant moments for Ahsoka, including her duel with Vader and her escape through the World Between Worlds, appearing to watch over and protect her.

For Vader to see Morai at this moment is all the confirmation needed that Ahsoka is still alive, even if he doesn’t quite understand why. What Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan Kenobi experienced during the Mortis Arc was wiped from their memories, but it’s certainly possible some sense of what transpired can still be felt through the Force. If so, then Vader is sure to sense that the presence of Morai, the symbol of the Daughter who gave her life for Ahsoka, means that his Padawan still lives.

The Clone Wars Season 7 Ending Real Meaning

Star Wars The Clone Wars season 7 Final Shot

The Clone Wars season 7 finale is about as perfect an ending to the show as fans could have hoped. While it may not have answered every question, or flashed-forward so far it fully connected to the later films in the saga, it focuses on the most important relationships in Clone Wars – those of the clones, that between Ahsoka and Rex, and between Ahsoka and Anakin.

The clones have always been a focus of The Clone Wars, and how they are depicted in the finale really hammers home how appallingly they were treated by the Republic and later the Empire. While the show makes a point of depicting the clones as human beings, the world they live in repeatedly treats them otherwise. But Ahsoka saw them as more than just soldiers bred for war, and nowhere is that more evident than in her friendship with Rex. Rightly so, The Clone Wars series finale spends most of its time with Ahsoka and Rex as they work together to survive, reinforcing their strong bond and bringing them even closer through this shared trauma. Knowing that Rex is one of the few people with whom Ahsoka will remain in contact only makes this ending all the more meaningful, confirming theirs is a friendship unlike many others.

And then there’s Ahsoka and Anakin, the Padawan and Master who were doomed from the start. Though they share no scenes in The Clone Wars season 7 finale, the episode’s final moments are entirely about them – Ahsoka is thinking of Anakin as she leaves behind the lightsabers he made for her, and Anakin is thinking of her when he later (as Vader) picks up those same sabers. It’s as bittersweet as it gets, contrasting the happier moment of Anakin giving her those lightsabers earlier in the season against these somber scenes of them apart yet still linked by the lightsaber. Knowing that this outcome for Ahsoka and Anakin was inevitable makes it no less heartbreaking, and Clone Wars has done a phenomenal job at telling their tragic story. In the end, these two friends are destined to be enemies, and The Clone Wars series finale is when Ahsoka and Anakin’s relationship is forever changed.