Star Wars Reveals Why The Sith Went Into Politics To Beat The Jedi

Star Wars Reveals Why The Sith Went Into Politics To Beat The Jedi

Star Wars has finally revealed why the Sith entered politics to defeat the Jedi. When George Lucas launched the prequel trilogy in 1999, it wasn’t what viewers expected. The first sentence of the opening crawl of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace started in a promising manner, but then it went in a very surprising direction. “Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic,” it declared. “The taxation of trade routes to outlying star system is in dispute.” Suddenly viewers realized the Sith had come to power through politics.

For a millennia, the Sith had lurked in the shadows, building power and influence. Palpatine was the culmination of the Sith plan, a Dark Lord who had chosen to operate in the field of politics. He was bold and brazen, cultivating supposed friendships among the Jedi Council even as he planned their destruction. The prequel trilogy told the story of Palpatine’s meteoric rise, as he manipulated his way into becoming Chancellor, acquiring Emergency Powers that were almost unlimited in scope, and ultimately becoming Emperor of the Galactic Empire. But fans have long wondered just why the Sith chose to defeat the Jedi through politics.

E.K. Johnson’s new novel Queen’s Hope offers an answer. In one striking scene, Padmé’s former handmaiden Sabé makes an observation that explains just why Palpatine chose the path of politics. In her view, the Jedi’s lack of passion means they simply don’t understand politics at all. “They don’t even get upset when their friends die,” she points out. “It’s all about balance and the eternal Force. That’s why they’re so bad at politics. They value all life, and they lack practicality.

Star Wars Reveals Why The Sith Went Into Politics To Beat The Jedi

In truth, by the time of the prequel trilogy, the Jedi had become particularly vulnerable in political terms. Just two centuries ago, the Jedi had been scattered across the galaxy, with temples established on countless worlds. But by the prequels, they’d distanced themselves from the galaxy, based purely at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This distance meant the Jedi had no knowledge of ordinary life, no understanding of the views of civilians, and they became increasingly disinterested in the affairs of politicians. Palpatine was able to take advantage of this, rising to power and putting on a friendly face, manipulating the Jedi with ease. They lacked the political awareness to recognize what he was doing.

The best Jedi understood that a person could not live without passion; rather, to be a Jedi is simply not to be mastered by it. It is telling that these Jedi were the ones Palpatine looked on with concern; it’s no coincidence Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi who understood balance and still cared passionately about the good of others, was the first target he assigned to his apprentice Darth Maul. These Jedi would have seen past Palpatine’s façade, discovering the Sith plans that run throughout the Star Wars saga.

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