Star Wars Reveals Why The Inquisitors Left Coruscant

Star Wars Reveals Why The Inquisitors Left Coruscant

One of Star Wars’ most threatening groups is the Imperial Jedi hunters called the Inquisitors, and new information reveals why they were forced off Coruscant. In canon, the Inquisitors first appeared in Star Wars Rebels, where the Grand Inquisitor operated as the main antagonist in the show’s first season. As the Star Wars galaxy has expanded, more and more Inquisitors have been introduced, with some even getting their own Jedi origins.

As seen in the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ show, the Inquisitors’ base was within the Mustafar system on a moon called Nur. Their base was called the Fortress Inquisitorius and was hidden from the public to keep up the Empire’s façade of peace. The Empire would bring surviving Jedi there to torture and interrogate them, but they would also keep the lightsabers of fallen Jedi on display, as well as a hall of preserved Jedi corpses. While this base was a smart idea in the long run for the Empire, their initial home on the Imperial capital of Coruscant created many problems for the Emperor and his new Empire.

The Inquisitors Caused Too Much Trouble On Coruscant

Star Wars Reveals Why The Inquisitors Left Coruscant

The first Inquisitor home base was located in a skyscraper tower in The Works district on Coruscant. Audiences familiar with Star Wars: The Clone Wars would know it as Darth Sidious’ secret hideout, though it was refurbished to hold the Inquisitors. Initially housing the Jedi hunters on Coruscant was a great idea, as survivors likely tried to gain access to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and the Inquisitors were already there waiting for them. In Delilah S. Dawson’s Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, it’s detailed that two of the Inquisitors—Iskat Aakaris and Tualon Yaluna—broke the attachment rule set in place by Darth Vader and fell in love.

When the two were discovered by Vader, he set out to make an example of the pair by killing them. In the ensuing chase on Coruscant, a Gran senator was accidentally killed by a destroyed speeder. After killing the two rogue Inquisitors, Vader reported back to the Emperor, who scolded his apprentice for causing a scene on such an important world as Coruscant. Palpatine was still happy Vader was able to catch and kill the treasonous Inquisitors, but felt that it was a mess he couldn’t risk happening again.

Darth Vader Moved The Inquisitors To The Mustafar System


According to Star Wars: Dawn of the Rebellion, the Inquisitors were causing too much trouble on the Imperial capital of Coruscant, indicating that the chase resulting in the dead Gran senator wasn’t the Inquisitors’ first mishap. This forced Vader to move the Inquisitors’ headquarters to Nur in the Mustafar system. This not only allowed Vader to keep an eye on them, but also meant he didn’t have to travel to Coruscant to train the Inquisitors. Being out of the public eye meant that many of the questionable tactics of the Inquisitors were done in secret. As more Star Wars material is released about the Inquisitors, the specific mishaps on Coruscant will be revealed.