Star Wars Rebels: Bendu’s 8 Best Quotes

Star Wars Rebels: Bendu’s 8 Best Quotes

Even though he only appeared in a handful of episodes over the course of a single season, the mysterious Bendu is one of Star Wars Rebels‘ most intriguing characters. Voiced by Doctor Who actor Tom Baker, Bendu has a booming voice that is captivating to listen to and made even better by the character’s memorable dialogue.

Bendu often shares wise words that help the Rebels‘ characters and the audience see things from a new perspective. This is largely due to his unique relationship and view of the Force, which is a stark contrast from the traditional views of the Jedi or Sith.

“Jedi And Sith Wield the Ashla and the Bogan, The Light And The Dark. I’m The One In The Middle, The Bendu.”

Star Wars Rebels: Bendu’s 8 Best Quotes

Bendu’s introduction shows that he is a different kind of Force user than audiences are used to seeing in Star Wars. Audiences are mostly used to seeing the Jedi or Sith, those who choose to use the light side of the dark side. Instead of relying on one side of the Force and adhering to the rules of one group, the Bendu exists in the middle. He draws from the light and the dark side and serves the will of the Force rather than serving a group like the Jedi or Sith.

Bendu’s reference to the Ashla and Bogan hints at his ancient nature and his deep knowledge of the Force. The Ashla and Bogan are ancient names for the light and dark sides of the Force. The Lasat refugees that Zeb and the Ghost crew help in one of Rebels‘ most heartwarming moments reference the Ashla guiding them. The Bendu’s holistic view of the Force is refreshing, especially in a story that had been previously dominated by Jedi, the Sith, and the Inquisitors.

“Only You Can Change Yourself.”

Ezra Bridger holds the Holocron in Star Wars Rebels

When Kanan shares that he worries the Sith Holocron is changing Ezra for the worse, Bendu assures him that an object cannot change a person as an object is not inherently good or evil. Instead, Bendu tells Kanan that only an individual can change who they are. The Sith Holocron can influence Ezra’s behavior, but only Ezra can make choices that will truly change him.

Bendu has a valuable insight that it is people and not the things around them that create true change in a person’s identity. Like the Sith Holocron, most of the tools and resources that people are given are not inherently good or bad. It’s all about how someone chooses to use these things. Much like arguments about whether technology and social media are changing people, the true change comes through how people choose to use these tools and resources.

“Once A Secret Is Known, It Cannot Be Unknown.”

Star Wars Rebels: Ezra and Maul With the Holocron

Bendu warns Ezra and Kanan that if the Jedi and Sith Holocrons are brought together, it will reveal secrets that cannot be unknown. This is similar to the myth of Pandora’s Box and how once Pandora’s Box is opened and what is inside is released into the world, those things will be in the world forever.

Any meaningful discovery comes with a cost as things can never go back to the way they used to be. When Ezra and Maul bring the Jedi and Sith Holocrons together, Bendu’s words come to fruition as the Holocrons create a Force connection between the two characters and reveals secrets that eventually bring them to Tatooine and Obi-Wan Kenobi. This sets Maul on the trajectory that seals his tragic fate.

“What Do You Want To Do, Hmm?”

Bendu is visited by Kanan and Ezra on Star Wars Rebels

When Ezra is desperate to rid himself of his Force connection to Maul, he and Kanan seek out Bendu for advice. When they ask Bendu what they should do, Bendu asks them what they want to do. While Bendu’s response might seem unhelpful, he is being helpful because he’s trying to help Ezra and Kanan take more ownership of their decisions.

When people reach out to someone else for help, they often ask what they should do, even though they already know what they want to do. By asking this question, Bendu puts the onus back on Ezra and Kanan. They already know what they want to do. They do not need to ask for permission or advice from Bendu when they’ve already made up their minds, even if they don’t know it yet.

“I Am Unseen, Unknowable, Like A Rock In The River.”

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Finale Zero Hour Bendu

Bendu delivers this poetic line when he tries to convince Kanan that he has no need to join the war against the Empire. Bendu recognizes that he is mysterious and secretive creature. Most beings in the galaxy don’t know that he exists and even the ones that know he exists don’t fully understand him.

Like a rock in the river, he stands resolute as time washes over him. The galaxy moves forward just as a river does, but the rock – or in this case Bendu – remains unchanged, with most unaware that the rock was there to begin with. It is a poetic way of articulating how he views himself and his place in the galaxy, yet Bendu is mistaken to think that he should play no role in shaping the galaxy’s future.

“I Was Here Long Before You And Will Be Here Long After.”

Bendu grows angry, from the Star Wars Rebels episode 'Zero Hour'

Bendu is an ancient creature whose origins and future remain a mystery by the end of Star Wars Rebels. No one knows how long Bendu has been on Atollon or what becomes of him after he disappears in front of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s eyes. Bendu’s longtime existence has made him wise, but it’s also made him somewhat arrogant and narrow-minded. He believes he is beyond the war against the Empire and that the Empire’s oppression does not affect him.

Bendu can’t yet see that the Empire will try to hurt and kill him just as it hurts and kills all beings who don’t bow to their power. Just because someone is powerful and has been around a long time doesn’t mean they are above the conflicts happening around them. Bendu prides himself on being the one in the middle, but staying in the middle and never choosing a side only makes the wicked stronger. Bendu is wrong about not having a stake in this fight as he needs to strike against the Empire for self-preservation and for moral reasons.

“Leave This Place. I Am The Light. I Am The Dark. I Am The Bendu.”

Bendu becomes a storm on Star Wars Rebels

Enraged by Kanan calling him a coward and enraged by the Empire invading his home, Bendu finally shows everyone what it means for him to channel the Force. He becomes a violent storm that hurts both the Empire and the Rebellion, demonstrating what it looks like when using the light and dark sides of the Force together and unleashing this power indiscriminately.

In previous episodes, Bendu seemed like a quirky and helpful character. When he becomes the storm, though, he is downright intimidating, a chaotic force of nature that neither the Empire nor Rebellion can hope to control. This might not even be the full extent of Bendu’s abilities, making it even more terrifying to consider what else he is capable of unleashing on those who anger him.

“I See Your Defeat, Like Many Arms Surrounding You In A Cold Embrace.”

Ezra, Thrawn, and Purrgils in the Star Wars Rebels series finale.

Before he disappears, Bendu’s final, ominous words foreshadow Thrawn’s fate at the end of Star Wars Rebels. Bendu’s words are meant to be taken literally as Thrawn is defeated by the cold arms of the Purrgil who ensnare him and transport him away from Lothal and into hyperspace. After Bendu utters this quote, he disappears with a sinister laugh, leaving the usually confident Thrawn unnerved.

The quote is even better it comes to fruition in the series finale. While Thrawn could always use logic and military strategy to outsmart his opponents, he cannot understand or prepare for chaotic creatures of the Force like Bendu and the Purrgil. Bendu is therefore one of the only characters to outsmart and humble Thrawn and leaves the show on a chilling and victorious note.