Star Wars Makes 3 Big Changes To Lightsabers

Star Wars Makes 3 Big Changes To Lightsabers

Star Wars: Visions makes three big changes to lightsabers throughout its nine episodes. Star Wars: Visions is an anime anthology series in the Star Wars franchise that exists outside of both the canon and Legends continuities, allowing each episode to have maximum creative freedom to depict novel new iterations of classic Star Wars factions and technology.

With Jedi and Sith being the primary characters in Star Wars: Visions, it’s no surprise that the series has several new kinds of lightsabers, with visually spectacular changes to the iconic weapon and new variations being created. These new lightsabers serve practical and symbolic purposes in their respective episodes. In many Star Wars: Visions episodes, the lightsabers are, functionally, the same as they are in the films, but aesthetically different.

In the first episode, “The Duel,” the Sith Ronin fights with a familiar red-bladed weapon, though the blade is shaped like a katana and stored in a scabbard, igniting as it’s pulled out. The katana-like lightsabers are also featured in “The Village Bride,” “The Elder” (which included a pair of katana-like shotos), and “Lop and Ochō” (which included a lightsaber blade with engravings in it). In several notable episodes, however, there are entirely new types of lightsabers used in the series’ astounding action scenes.

Lightsaber Umbrella

Star Wars Makes 3 Big Changes To Lightsabers

In the first episode, “The Duel,” a gang of bandits attack a village, led by a Sith who uses a deadly new kind of lightsaber. Her “lightsaber umbrella” is a typical lightsaber, but with an umbrella-like pole attachment. The lightsaber umbrella had eight spinning blades, allowing the Sith leader to create a defensive arc that protects her against blaster fire. In her duel with the Sith Ronin, she removes the umbrella attachment, turning her weapon into a more conventional Sith lightsaber. After defeating the Sith Bandit Leader, the Ronin gifts her umbrella attachment to a shopkeeper who repaired his R2 unit.

The Twins’ Lightsabers

The incredibly powerful dark side twins in the episode “The Twins” use lightsabers augmented by their experimental Kyber crystals, similar to Luke and Vader in Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. When empowered by her Kyber, Am’s lightsaber blades become flexible energy tendrils, similar to Lumiya’s lightwhip, which her brother Karre counters with his newly-enhanced weapon. Karre also extends his lightsaber blade to a greater length and size than the Star Wars franchise has ever shown before, using it to cut Am’s Kyber out of her armor and save her life. Karre’s enhanced lightsaber is even powerful enough to bisect half of a Gemini-class Star Destroyer.

Color-Changing Lightsabers

Kara holds a black lightsaber in Star Wars Visions.

The lightsabers crafted by Juro in “The Ninth Jedi” are the most visually symbolic. While they function as normal lightsabers, their blade length will adjust to the size and fighting style of their wielder. Even more importantly, their blade color will change to reflect the Force potential and alignment of the one wielding them. In the hands of the untrained Kara, Juro’s lightsaber had a short and almost transparent blade, but as she grows in power and skill, it becomes longer and takes a familiar green hue. For the pure-hearted Ethan, his lightsaber immediately becomes a Jedi-like blue, but for the Sith who accompanied him, the blades turn red. For the conflicted Homen, however, his blade goes from Sith red to Jedi purple as he realizes that his true loyalty is to the Force, not its dark side. Star Wars Visions used Juro’s dynamic weapons in perhaps the most creative way yet.