Star Wars’ Lightsabers Can Never Be The Same Again After The Sequels

Star Wars’ Lightsabers Can Never Be The Same Again After The Sequels

The Star Wars sequel trilogy ended by pointing the way towards Rey’s new Jedi Order, but their lightsabers will be completely different to those seen before. The Star Wars saga brought the Jedi Order to the brink of destruction – several times. But, in the end, the Jedi did triumph over the Sith; Rey was able to defeat Emperor Palpatine on the Sith redoubt of Exegol, channeling the power of all the Jedi who had come before her. The light cast out the shadow of the dark side, once and for all.

Rey is expected to reform the Jedi Order. She already has one potential Padawan, Finn; what’s more, given there have been hints Finn resisted First Order brainwashing because of his nascent Force-sensitivity, it’s likely Jannah and the other deserters are all potential Jedi as well. Rey will likely be drawing on the knowledge she has learned from the ancient texts, meaning her version of the Jedi will be servants of balance rather than exclusively of the light side. This truth is symbolized by Rey’s new yellow lightsaber, muted from the Jedi blue and Sith red. But the colors won’t be the only unusual thing about the lightsabers in Rey’s new Jedi Order.

Ilum’s Destruction Means Rey’s Jedi Will Use Different Crystals

Star Wars’ Lightsabers Can Never Be The Same Again After The Sequels

Every lightsaber contains a kyber crystal, a living crystal that focuses the flow of energy into the lightsaber’s distinctive blade. Kyber crystals resonate powerfully in the Force, making a lightsaber far more than a mere weapon; when a Jedi holds their lightsaber, their mind bonds with the crystal contained within it, becoming stronger in the Force. There are many different types of kyber crystals found scattered across the galaxy, but by the time of the original trilogy, the Jedi had taken to securing theirs from the planet Ilum. This sacred world was kept secret by the Jedi, its location concealed from the rest of the galaxy. Young Jedi were taken to Ilum on pilgrimages, charged to seek out the kyber crystals they would bond with.

But this sacred planet did not fare well under the Empire. The Empire used Ilum’s kyber to power the Death Stars, before then setting about transforming Ilum itself into their next superweapon. This grand project took more than a generation to complete, but Imperial loyalists continued even after the Emperor’s apparent death in Return of the Jedi. Ilum became Starkiller Base, the superweapon claimed – and used to devastating effect – by the First Order in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was destroyed by the Resistance – which means its kyber crystals have gone. Rey’s Jedi Order will need to look elsewhere for the kyber to power their lightsabers.

Other Types Of Kyber Give Lightsabers With Very Different Attributes

Star Wars Project Luminous High Republic Jedi

Ilum was never the only possible source of kyber, of course. There are in fact many other types of kyber scattered across the galaxy; the Empire plundered as many of these as they could find, but the Star Wars: Force & Destiny sourcebook Gadgets & Gear confirms it was still possible to find kyber crystals in the Dark Times of the Empire’s reign. Crucially, though, it seems each variety of kyber crystal possesses slightly different attributes. Some power lightsabers that make unusual sounds, with the traditional hum replaced by something far more unique. Others grant a lightsaber properties that haven’t been seen before. Rey’s Jedi Order will need to scrounge for kyber crystals, meaning their blades will probably be unlike anything seen before in the Star Wars saga.

Kyber crystals can be found across the entire Star Wars galaxy. Dantari crystals are found on the Outer Rim world of Dantooine, for example, and encourage a Jedi to maintain focus and calm. Dragite gems are found on the planet M’haeli in the Expansion Region, creating lightsabers that pulse and hum loudly, and that release shock waves when they impact an object. Ghostfire crystals, found on a handful of Outer Rim worlds, power dim and translucent lightsaber blades that produce almost no sound at all. Rare Solari crystals give lightsabers with unusually wide blades, much more effective at swatting aside blaster bolts. The Mandalorian season 2 actually gave a glimpse of another kind of kyber, a krayt dragon pearl secreted in the guts of one of Tatooine’s krayt dragons, capable of producing strong and destructive lightsaber blades that make a howling noise while they’re active.

In the short term, Rey’s new Jedi Order will need to seek out sources of kyber from across the galaxy. They’ll probably reuse some from older lightsabers, meaning there will still be the familiar Ilum-sourced blades. But others will be powered from crystals from other worlds, meaning the lightsabers created by Rey’s students will be much more varied than those seen in the main Star Wars saga. There will be all manner of sounds and properties, not just the ones viewers are used to. Hopefully it won’t be long before Star Wars explores this era, revealing just how unique these new Jedi blades can be.