Star Wars Introduces The Ultimate Force Predator

Star Wars Introduces The Ultimate Force Predator

Star Wars has just introduced the ultimate Force predator, a horrific creature known as the Leveler. When Obi-Wan Kenobi introduced Luke Skywalker to the ways of the Force, he defined this energy field in mystical terms. But George Lucas had always intended there to be a biological component to Force-sensitivity; Lucas created midi-chlorians back in 1977, with an in-universe character account explaining why some races are more Force-sensitive than others. “It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans,” he explained. “Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells.

Given Lucas’ intentions, then, it was always clear certain species would have evolved to use the Force in different ways. The old Expanded Universe introduced creatures such as the Ysalamiri, whose presence inhibited the Force, or Force predators such as Vornskrs. The Sith were revealed to have used the dark side to evolve some animals into monstrous, Force-sensitive creatures such as the tuk’ata, or Sith hounds. This idea has been incorporated into the Disney era, with a tuk’ata unleashed in Cavan Scott’s audio book Dooku: Jedi Lost, tied to the story of Dooku’s fall to the dark side. Now, though, Scott’s novel The Rising Storm has revealed an even more terrible monster.

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The Rising Storm is set during the High Republic Era, some 200 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. The main focus of the book is on the battle between the Jedi and a race of space pirates known as the Nihil, whose leader is working to secure an advantage against the Force. He has uncovered a creature who long slumbered in the ice of the planet Rystan, a monster traditionally known as the Leveler. This four-legged beast appears to consume the Force in the area around it, and when released it preys upon Force-sensitivities, leaving their bodies as lifeless husks. It’s only briefly seen at the very end of the story, but it successfully kills a celebrated Jedi Master in moments before being recalled by the Nihil leader.

Star Wars Introduces The Ultimate Force Predator

The Leveler feels similar to the tuk’ata seen in Dooku: Jedi Lost, slumbering in a form of suspended animation for untold centuries. That suggests it too was a creation of the Sith, perhaps something they fashioned to serve their will and guard their temples from Jedi in ancient times. If that is indeed the case, the Jedi may well have records of the Leveler, including details of how to defeat and destroy it.

Lucasfilm teased the Star Wars: The High Republic transmedia initiative would decide the fate of the Force itself. Readers had assumed that was a reference to the Drengir, ancient allies of the Sith who have been unleashed across the galaxy, but they are successfully being driven back. Instead, it could have pointed to the introduction of the Leveler, the ultimate Force predator, which seems to feast on midi-chlorians and disrupts the Force with its very presence. Luke Skywalker can be thankful he never encountered one of these creatures in the core Star Wars saga.

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