Star Wars Introduces A Ship We’ve Wanted To See In Live-Action For 32 Years

Star Wars Introduces A Ship We’ve Wanted To See In Live-Action For 32 Years

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Ahsoka episode 6

Ahsoka episode 6 features the live-action debut of one of Star Wars most epic starships after 32 years. The imminent return of Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) to the Star Wars galaxy is very exciting, having been discovered in exile in another galaxy entirely. To that end, Thrawn’s live-action debut in Ahsoka also comes with the intimidating live-action debut of none other than the Imperial Star Destroyer known as The Chimaera.

While Darth Vader may have had his Super Star Destroyer known as The Executor, Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Chimaera was a true force to be reckoned with as one of the Imperial Navy’s most powerful and capable cruisers. Having its first introduction in Legends alongside Thrawn himself in 1991’s Heir to the Empire novel from author Timothy Zahn, The Chimaera was reintegrated back into the official canon with Thrawn himself in Star Wars Rebels. To that end, here’s The Chimaera’s dynamic history in both canon and Legends, as well as why its live-action debut in Ahsoka episode 6 was well worth the wait.

The Chimaera’s History In Star Wars Legends & Canon Since 1991

Star Wars Introduces A Ship We’ve Wanted To See In Live-Action For 32 Years

In Legends, The Chimaera was second in the chain of command behind Vader’s Executor and was present during the Battle of Endor. Initially under the command of Gilad Pellaeon who called the Imperial retreat order after the second Death Star’s destruction, Pellaeon eventually became Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnant. Once Thrawn returned to lead the remainder of the Imperial Navy, the Grand Admiral chose The Chimaera as his flagship with Pellaeon as his right-hand man. As such, The Chimaera became the centerpiece of the Imperial Remnant, though the ship was ultimately lost to the New Republic and then later regained by Pellaeon during the Star Wars Legends timeline.

In the new and official Star Wars canon, The Chimaera always belonged to Thrawn throughout his rise in Imperial rank, eventually becoming Grand Admiral. The flagship of the Seventh Fleet, The Chimaera played a prominent role during the Liberation of Lothal seen in Star Wars Rebels, though the cruiser was forcibly sent into hyperspace by a pod of star whales under the guidance of Ezra Bridger with the Jedi sending himself, Thrawn, and the entire crew to an unknown destination. Thanks to Ahsoka, it’s now known that The Chimaera ended up on Peridea, the original homeworld of the Nightsisters located in an entirely new galaxy.

The Chimaera Is One Of Star Wars’ Coolest Ships

Live-Action Chimaera in Ahsoka Episode 6

Existing as one of the most unique Star Destroyers in the Imperial Navy, Thrawn’s Chimaera features a stylized three-headed serpent on its underside (the ship’s namesake). The chimaera has served as Thrawn’s personal sigil even before his recruitment into the Empire. As a result, the intricate iconography would become synonymous with Thrawn in the canonical Star Wars galaxy as a major symbol of fear, and many under his command wore the same symbol on their uniforms.

The Chimaera was also upgraded at Thrawn’s request with several modifications. Most notably, the impressive Star Destroyer is outfitted with extra turbo lasers surrounding its command tower along with eight-barreled cannons compared to the more standard double-barreled cannons seen on most Imperial I-class Star Destroyers. As such, The Chimaera is capable of extreme levels of firepower, having the ability to completely bombard and overwhelm its targets to an even stronger degree than most of the starships that once made up the Imperial Navy. Considering both its unique arsenal and striking aesthetic features highlighting Thrawn’s passion for art and culture, The Chimaera is easily one of Star Wars’ coolest ships.

The Chimaera’s Live-Action Debut Was Worth The Wait

Live-Action Chimaera Design In Star Wars

Debuting in live-action after 32 years, The Chimaera carries the scars and lingering damage from the star whales who transported the epic starship to another galaxy in Star Wars Rebels. Regardless, The Chimaera appears to still be intact enough to have served as Thrawn’s flying base of operations during his years in exile. To that end, Morgan Elsbeth’s hyperspace ring certainly looks big enough to dock with The Chimaera, capable of bringing Thrawn and his surviving forces home to the primary Star Wars galaxy.

It looks as though the canon version of Captain Pellaeon and the promises made to the Imperial Shadow Council in The Mandalorian season 3 are indeed coming true, having declared a resurgence in the Imperial Remnant’s military with Thrawn’s return. Assuming Thrawn does indeed return to the main Star Wars galaxy, it will likely be aboard The Chimaera where it can then be repaired and uniquely positioned as the Remnant’s flagship with Thrawn as “Heir to the Empire”. It would certainly be a very dynamic and exciting mirror to the starship’s original role in Legends.

Ahsoka releases new episodes Tuesdays at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Disney+.