Star Wars: Hunters Already Exists – It’s Called Fortnite

Star Wars: Hunters Already Exists – It’s Called Fortnite

Star Wars: Hunters is an upcoming free-to-play game with seemingly battle royale gameplay that feels oddly similar to Fortnite. The two titles also feature similar art styles in addition to common gameplay mechanics, but these similarities are further highlighted by the fact that Fortnite already has Star Wars character skins in it. While there are a lot of Fortnite clones out there, Star Wars: Hunters suffers more because of all the SW content already in Epic’s game

Star Wars content like skins and lightsabers are nothing new in Fortnite, but most recently a number of Fortnite skins were unvaulted for Star Wars Day. From characters like Finn and Rey to more recent additions like Boba Fett and other characters from the Disney+ show, these skins have allowed Star Wars fans to run around in the battle royale as some of their favorite SW characters. With even more Star Wars skins expected in Fortnite soon, this may be a growing problem for Star Wars: Hunters – even before the game has a chance to launch.

If Star Wars: Hunters weren’t a F2P battle royale game, then this might not be a problem at all. However, due to its similar gameplay mechanics, characters, and free-to-play nature, Star Wars: Hunters is already way too much like Fortnite – and will likely have a lot of crossover in terms of audience appeal. In order to really succeed, Star Wars: Hunters will have to offer players a lot more than past Fortnite clones have.

How Star Wars: Hunters Can Set Itself Apart From Fortnite

Star Wars: Hunters Already Exists – It’s Called Fortnite

Luckily, Star Wars: Hunters already has a lot going for it that may rake in players who have never tried Fortnite. Maps based on popular Star Wars locations is a plus, and zany characters like two Jawas in a suit may prove to be more original – and more fun – than anything Fortnite‘s Star Wars skins can offer. There’s also the fact that Star Wars: Hunters is fully dedicated to a galaxy far, far away – whereas Fortnite already has its own established lore and story. In order to really succeed, the focus should be on appealing to Star Wars fans, rather than fans of Fortnite and other battle royales.

Ahead of the game’s release, Star Wars: Hunters just looks too much like Fortnite. However, it can step out of the latter’s shadow by embracing iconic Star Wars characters, planets, and archetypes that Fortnite just can’t. Hopefully, Star Wars: Hunters can prove to be more than a Fortnite clone in a Star Wars skin when it releases later this year.