Star Wars’ Force Adept Zeen Mrala Returns in a Win for LGBTQ+ Representation

Star Wars’ Force Adept Zeen Mrala Returns in a Win for LGBTQ+ Representation

Warning: Spoilers for Star Wars – The High Republic Adventures (Phase III) #1

One of Star Wars‘ most prominent LGBTQ+ relationships returns to the forefront with the reemergence of the powerful Force-user Zeen Mrala. Zeen’s relationship seemed to end as abruptly as it began with the finale of IDW Publishing’s Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures series. But now she has returned in Dark Horse Comics’ series, Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures by the same writer and artist. And best of all, Zeen’s love for her partner, Lula Talisola, is a main focus of the book.

Overall, Star Wars comics have made tremendous strides to expand LGBTQ+ representation that easily dwarf the movies’ meager efforts, including the non-binary twins Ceret and Terec in Marvel Comics’ Star Wars: The High Republic. Even Marvel’s big-name Darth Vader series features a lesbian relationship. However, none of these titles have successfully portrayed the orientations of their LGBTQ+ characters as significantly as IDW and now Dark Horse have with Zeen and Lula. In IDW’s High Republic Adventures, the connection between Zeen and Lula was so strong and significant that some fans understandably thought it could be a Force Dyad, but the final issue of the series revealed that the two characters were drawn together for romantic reasons. Unfortunately, that incredible development ironically marked the end of the series and possibly their love story.

Star Wars’ Force Adept Zeen Mrala Returns in a Win for LGBTQ+ Representation

However, now the same writer, Daniel José Older, and artist, Harvey Tolibao, are continuing the story in Star Wars – The High Republic Adventures (Phase III) #1 with artist Nick Brokenshire, colorist Michael Atiyeh, and Comicraft’s letterers Tyler Smith and Jimmy Betancourt.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Spotlights a LGBTQ+ Relationship

Zeen Mrala confesses her feelings in High Republic Adventures

IDW’s series ends with Zeen going on her own mission. Meanwhile, Lula has been trying to understand her feelings for Zeen in relation to being a Jedi, and feels she is at a crossroads that has to be acted on before Zeen leaves. She admits to Zeen that she needs her and Zeen reciprocates. Although there is no kiss or mention of love out loud, the nuances of their relationship make it clear that Zeen loves Lula in return. Meanwhile, Lula, who is portrayed as a prodigy throughout the series, even makes the incredible decision to put her Jedi knighthood on hold so that she can endeavor to understand her feelings more clearly.

Although Zeen is back, the new Dark Horse series has mired her relationship with Lula in tragedy. It is revealed that Lula was on Starlight Beacon when it was destroyed, as covered in Marvel’s High Republic series, and she is quite possibly dead. A year after the incident, Zeen is spurred back into action to discover the whereabouts of Lula, whom she believes is still alive. From that point on, her every action is taken in pursuit of finding Lula. And it culminates in the end of the issue, when the two are reunited and passionately kiss.

Star Wars Comics Are Improving the Franchise’s LGBTQ+ Representation

Zeen and Lula in High Republic Adventures

This is refreshing, even in Star Wars comics. Although Marvel introduced the non-binary twins Ceret and Terec in its High Republic series, their orientation was revealed in a press release rather than actually being explored where it mattered – in the actual story. Luckily, Marvel’s Darth Vader made an even greater step by making one of Padmé Amidala’s handmaidens queer, and although this relationship impacted the events of the story, it was relegated to mere exposition.

Conversely, Zeen’s love for Lula is the center point in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (Phase III) #1. How the issue ends couldn’t have been greater for LGBTQ+ representation in Star Wars and the story of Zeen Mrala and Lula Talisola.