Star Wars: Doctor Aphra’s New Comic Book Crew Revealed

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra’s New Comic Book Crew Revealed

Doctor Aphra is returning for a new ongoing series by Marvel Comics. On Thursday, Marvel revealed details about Star WarsDoctor Aphra #1, where the popular Star Wars character’s adventures (and misadventures) were teased. The new book will see Doctor Aphra assembling a team and hunting for big scores and treasure. Things won’t always go smoothly.

Doctor Aphra first debuted in Star Wars: Darth Vader #3, as an archaeologist with expertise in droids and weapon tech. Aphra worked for Darth Vader but escaped after he attempted to kill her. Aphra skirts the line of being a hero or a villain and has become one of the more popular Star Wars characters to come from the comics. She’s been compared to Indiana Jones. The original series (which is ending in February) has been nominated for GLAAD Media Awards for Outstanding Comic Book multiple times.

In a press release from, details from Alyssa Wong (Overwatch), Marika Cresta (Fearless), and Rachelle Rosenberg’s (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man) new run were announced. Doctor Aphra #1 will see the titular character hunting for a huge score with a team of unlikely treasure hunters, “including an old flame or two.” She’ll run across an “incredibly valuable ancient artifact” called the Rings of Vaale that’s worth a life-changing amount of credits. Unfortunately, getting the artifact isn’t easy. The planet it’s on is covered in ash and there are other artifact hunters – including Ronen Tagge – looking for the item as well.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra’s New Comic Book Crew Revealed

In Valentina Remenar’s cover for the series, you can see some new faces to the Star Wars universe, including disgraced professor Doctor Eustacia Okka, graduate student Detta Yao, and a handsome smuggler named Just Lucky. Wookie bounty hunter Black Krrsantan will join Aphra on her journeys.

In the press release, Wong talked about how much she appreciated Kieron Gillen (who co-created the character) and Si Spurrier’s work on the series. She described Aphra as someone who was fun to write and has “an edge of unpredictability.”

I think Aphra is a delight. She’s out for herself, for fun and profit, and that drives her actions more than any internal moral compass,” Wong tells “It makes her really fun to write! Aphra acts according to her whims and desires, which gives her an edge of unpredictability. But the second you think you’ve got her number, she chooses to do something that leaves her vulnerable — whether that’s an unexpected moment of nobility or bitter betrayal. No matter which side Aphra’s currently on, you can count on her to be deeply selfish. And that’s what I love the most about her.

The next run of Doctor Aphra #1 is set to be a fun, and at-times dangerous adventure for the Aphra and her crew. Wong will surely breathe some new life into the character and showcase why Aphra’s one of the most popular and fun to read characters in all of Star Wars.


Star Wars Doctor Aphra
Star Wars Doctor Aphra
Star Wars Doctor Aphra
Star Wars Doctor Aphra
  • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #1
  • Written by Alyssa Wong
  • Art by Marika Cresta
  • Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
  • Covers by Valentina Remenar
  • In comic shops April, 2020.