Star Wars: Ahsoka Introduced Two New Rare Lightsaber Types (One Not Seen In 500 Years)

Star Wars: Ahsoka Introduced Two New Rare Lightsaber Types (One Not Seen In 500 Years)

Ahsoka introduced two new lightsaber types, wielded by Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati – one of which hasn’t been seen in 500 years. The Ahsoka Disney+ TV show introduced two new Dark Jedi, Ray Stevenson’s Baylan Skoll and Ivanna Sakhno’s Shin Hati. These two swiftly proved themselves a force to be reckoned with; Ahsoka was almost killed by Baylan, while Sabine developed an intense rivalry with Shin.

Baylan and Shin were notable for two very unusual lightsabers, which gave them a formidable edge against them in combat. Baylan’s was more like a broadsword than a traditional lightsaber, and he wielded it as though it had tremendous weight; in contrast, Shin’s was almost like a rapier, and she moved with remarkable speed. Both lightsabers had an unusual color, leading many viewers to assume their unusual properties were a result of the crystals within them. That isn’t the case, however; rather, Baylan and Shin are using new lightsaber types that haven’t been seen in centuries.

Baylan Uses A “Great Lightsaber” Not Seen In 500 Years

The Great Lightsaber is a type Ahsoka will have never seen before.

Star Wars: Ahsoka Introduced Two New Rare Lightsaber Types (One Not Seen In 500 Years)

When Ahsoka first sees footage of Baylan and Shin, she asks her faithful droid Huyang to help her identify them. Huyang has worked with the Jedi since shortly after their iinception, helping every generation of Jedi build their own lightsabers. He’s able to identify Baylan immediately by studying the lightsaber; “In the last 500 years, I’ve only known one student who built a saber such as this,” Huyang observes. This should have cued viewers in to the fact Baylan’s lightsaber isn’t unique because of its kyber crystal, but rather because of its design.

Baylan’s orange lightsaber corresponds with an unusual type referenced in the Star Wars: Force & Destiny sourcebook Knights of Fate. It appears to be based on a Great Lightsaber, a weapon traditionally used by nonhumans that is known for being heavy, awkward, and difficult to use due to its reinforced hilt and heavy-duty power emitter that produces a long blade. “Their heavier hilts and more powerful blades, combined with the natural strength of their intended users, make these massive lightsabers even more potent and deadly than their smaller cousins,” the sourcebook notes.

Shin’s Lightsaber Is A “Lightfoil”

Shin has an unusual lightsaber type too.

Sabine and Shin engage in a lightsaber fight in Ahsoka episode 1

Shin’s lightsaber, too, is unusual – and not just because it is orange. Where Baylan’s lightsaber is heavy and cumbersome, hers is a smaller blade that she uses with speed and skill; it’s more like a rapier than a traditional lightsaber. Again, referencing Knights of Fate, it seems to correspond with a lightsaber type called a lightfoil. “Lightfoils differ from shotos in that they feature slimer, longer blades. While shotos are often used in pairs, lightfoils are designed for use alone, having a small grip that accommodates a single hand.” The first lightfoils are believed to have been created by the Sith, because they are perfectly suited for dueling.

How Ahsoka Used Baylan & Shin’s Weapons

Baylan and Shin are a force to be reckoned with.

Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati together in Ahsoka.

These ancient lightsaber types make perfect sense for Baylan and Shin. Ahsoka makes it clear Baylan has a deep interestin ancient Force lore, because he is able to recognize the pathway to Peridea at speed and seems to understand exactly what mysterious vergence he is sensing on that planet. It’s easy to see how a Jedi who is interested in ancient lore would construct a lightsaber unlike any seen in the last 500 years, and the lightsaber blade he wields is perfectly suited to his own prodigious strength. Baylan has adapted his lightsaber form to suit his high-impact weapon; he practices Form V, the same form as Anakin Skywalker, but the additional weight of his lightsaber blade means he swings it like a broadsword rather than a typical lightsaber.

It’s interesting to note Baylan hasn’t asked his apprentice, Shin, to learn how to use a similar Great Lightsaber; Ahsoka stresses that apprentices often mimic their masters. But, in truth, Shin is physically very different to Baylan; she’s small and slim, and she wouldn’t be able to use a Great Lightsaber. Instead, Baylan has encouraged her to learn how to use a weapon that’s suited to her frame. Curiously, he’s taught her how to use a variant of a lightsaber that’s perfectly suited to duels, perhaps suggesting he always believed she’d go blade-to-blade with bokken Jedi.

These two lightsabers help explain some of Ahsoka‘s mysteries. Baylan is able to defeat Ahsoka in part because he uses a lightsaber she’s never come across before, and he’s using a modification of a familiar lightsaber form in a way she struggles to adapt to. Meanwhile, Sabine is able to survive what looked like a fatal blow from Shin’s lightfoil because these blades do less damage; presumably she was also lucky, and Shin somehow avoided any internal organs. It’s nice to see how consistently Ahsoka used the Great Lightsaber and the lightfoil.