Star Wars 9’s Original Story From Colin Trevorrow Reportedly Revealed

Star Wars 9’s Original Story From Colin Trevorrow Reportedly Revealed

Colin Trevorrow’s original story for Star Wars 9 is reportedly revealed. Back in 2015, when he was fresh of the success of the record-breaking Jurassic World, Trevorrow was hired to write and direct the then untitled Star Wars 9, wrapping up the sequel trilogy that began with The Force Awakens. Unfortunately, Trevorrow and Lucasfilm parted ways a couple of years later, citing creative differences over the script. Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams was brought back to helm and co-write (with Chris Terrio) the film that would become Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, concluding not just the trilogy, but the entire Skywalker saga.

As many know by now, Rise of Skywalker reactions were quite mixed. Professional reviews skewed towards the negative side of the spectrum, with many feeling it was a rushed, overstuffed, and messy final chapter that was concerned with retconning some of The Last Jedi’s most divisive elements. Though The Rise of Skywalker is a box office hit as it approaches $1 billion, there’s no denying it was the worst-received of the trilogy, and some viewers may be wondering what Trevorrow had in mind when he was working on the film. Now, his version seems to have been revealed.

The Playlist has spent some time digging into Star Wars 9’s development, learning all about Trevorrow’s Star Wars 9 (which was called Duel of the Fates). The most recent version seems to have been written after Carrie Fisher’s untimely passing in December 2016, which explains the lack of Leia in the main story. As one might expect, there are several key differences between Duel of the Fates and The Rise of Skywalker, Rose Tico’s role chief among them. Rather than being sidelined, Rose got to headline a subplot alongside Finn (further developing their dynamic from Last Jedi) where the two travel to Coruscant and activate a beacon at the old Jedi Temple so they can rally people to the Resistance’s cause. Finn eventually ends up leading an army of reformed stormtroopers who defected from the First Order (like himself) in a battle for Coruscant.

Star Wars 9’s Original Story From Colin Trevorrow Reportedly Revealed

Emperor Palpatine is another notable difference between the two versions – namely because he isn’t in Duel of the Fates. The Emperor was apparently mentioned by name in Trevorrow’s take, but didn’t actually appear. Instead, Kylo Ren was Duel of the Fates’ main villain (continuing his arc from Last Jedi), though Rey still felt it was possible for Ben Solo to come back to the light. During the pair’s climactic showdown, Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda’s Force ghosts assisted Rey and tried to redeem Ben, but were unsuccessful. Another interesting aspect of Rey’s Duel of the Fates story is it’s revealed Kylo Ren killed her parents and Rey is not Palpatine’s granddaughter. Rey also spent part of Duel of the Fates on a mission with Poe, so it sounds like the main Resistance group was split up for a stretch before reconvening in the third act on Coruscant.

Obviously, it’s impossible to say if Duel of the Fates would have been a better movie than The Rise of Skywalker, but it at least reads as a proper Last Jedi sequel that would have honored Rian Johnson’s film. Many of the problems people had with The Rise of Skywalker wouldn’t have been an issue here, such as Rose and the handling of Rey’s parentage. Duel of the Fates also didn’t include any odd Luke Skywalker retcons, as the First Order is trying to squash a rebuilding Resistance that was inspired by Luke’s sacrifice. There was even a scene at the end of Duel of the Fates that showed the infamous Broom Boy as one of Rey’s new Jedi students. Since it’s Star Wars, Duel of the Fates obviously wouldn’t have pleased everyone, but it would have been interesting to see.

It’s unknown what exactly caused the irreparable schism between Trevorrow and Lucasfilm, and fans will likely never know the full story. Much like Phil Lord & Chris Miller’s shocking firing from Solo: A Star Wars Story, what went wrong behind-the-scenes on Duel of the Fates will be a mystery publicly discussed in only the vaguest of terms (if at all). Lucasfilm is turning the page and moving on from the Skywalker saga, so it frankly wouldn’t do the higher-ups there much good to dwell on the past and get detailed about a cancelled film. As for viewers, those who took a disliking to The Rise of Skywalker may be left wondering what might have been.