Star Wars 8: Major Character Reunion Confirmed [UPDATED]

Star Wars 8: Major Character Reunion Confirmed [UPDATED]

Star Wars 8: Major Character Reunion Confirmed [UPDATED]

Potential plot spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

UPDATE: Pablo Hidalgo has said that his comments were just referring to Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher reuniting for the Vanity Fair photo shoot. Original story below.

@BethElderkin But nothing more specific than that, unless I misspoke or something got lost in translation.— Pablo Hidalgo (@pablohidalgo) May 28, 2017

UPDATE 2: There appear to have been some details lost in translation since Pablo Hidalgo was working with a translator at Comic Con of Chile, but PrensaImperial (hat tip Star Wars News Net) was able to personally confirm with Hidalgo that there will be a sibling reunion:

I confirmed this with Pablo himself when it was my turn to sign the poster for The Last Jedi. I showed him my cell phone with the Twitter post that comes up and Pablo, kindly (and very nice) said yes, in a scene Luke and Leia would meet and made the meeting gesture, something like: (fist bumps).

Original story as follows:

The long anticipated Skywalker reunion will finally happen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. With Episode VIII, director Rian Johnson promises to take fans on a very different adventure from previous films in the series, continuing the story of The Force Awakens and exploring the saga’s legacy.

At the center of this is Luke Skywalker. Having spent the best part of 30 years away from our screens (and only a short appearance at the end of Episode VII), The Last Jedi rightfully seems to be focusing on the continuing journey of Mark Hamill’s skilled Jedi. Most of the promotional material has honed in on him training new protege Rey, but there’s also a big question of whether he’ll reenter the fight proper and if that will see him reunite with sister Leia. Mark Hamill and the late Carrie Fisher were shown together in the Vanity Fair Star Wars set-visit, and now we have confirmation of a reunion.

At the Comic Con of Chile (reported by Star Wars News Net) Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo talked about The Last Jedi and while he would reveal any specifics confirmed that the Skywalker twins would be back together in the film.

As Hidalgo was cagey and it’s hard to tell from Vanity Fair images what sets the actors were shooting on, quite how this will play out is unclear. Some speculate that the pair could reunite at the Resistance Base on D’Qar, although given the film’s story it’s more likely to come later, with Leia winding up on Ahch-To or Luke on Crait.

One of the biggest complaints from J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens in 2015 was the lack of original trilogy chemistry. We saw Han and Chewie continue their bromance, but it was clear that Kylo Ren had driven a wedge between Han and Leia. Also, saving Luke’s appearance for the finale meant he couldn’t have a reunion before Solo’s death, something Mark Hamill has spoken out about in the past. This moment would seem to address those concerns.

Whatever happens, the Skywalker reunion promises to be one of The Last Jedi’s most emotional scenes, and with Leia now confirmed to not be returning for Episode IX marks an end of a forty year on-screen relationship.

Next: Why Lucasfilm Shouldn’t Release the Original Theatrical Cut of Star Wars

Key Release Dates

  • Star Wars 8
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  • Han Solo
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  • Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Poster

    Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of Skywalker
    Release Date:
