Star Wars 8 Director Offers Last Jedi Opening Crawl Sneak Peek

Star Wars 8 Director Offers Last Jedi Opening Crawl Sneak Peek

With Star Wars: Episode VIII less than a year away, and very little official news released, the recent announcement of movie’s official subtitle, The Last Jedi, understandably made waves; prompting much analysis and speculation about what this could mean for the movie and the franchise as a whole.

Even though the title has been set since the early stages of production, writer/director Rian Johnson has been tight lipped on that, and any other Star Wars news. Now that the title is officially confirmed, however, Johnson posted a photo to his Instagram showing the very start of The Last Jedi’s opening crawl, now featuring the full title, captioned “Felt so good to drop this into the cut this morning.”

Now that Rogue One has been released for over a month, crossing the $1 billion mark, it looks like Lucasfilm might finally be loosening up on some Episode VIII details. While it sounds like the first The Last Jedi trailer is still a few months away, hopefully this announcement signifies that we’re about to get some more information; possibly a cast photo and/or character confirmations for some of the new cast members in the movie, namely Benicio Del Toro and Laura Dern.

Felt so good to drop this into the cut this morning. A photo posted by Rian Johnson (@riancjohnson) on Jan 24, 2017 at 10:06am PST

The opening crawl of The Force Awakens outright refers to Luke Skywalker as “the last Jedi,” and Yoda uses the very same language with him in Return of the Jedi, but there’s obviously still a lot to question with the title – considering the very last shot of The Force Awakens is Rey presenting herself to Luke Skywalker for Jedi training.

The Last Jedi is also supposed to pick up immediately after that moment, so fans will have far more context going into Episode VIII than they did going into Episode VII, so early marketing for the movie could be very revealing. Both The Force Awakens and Rogue One gave their first official looks over a year in advance, so some sort of images, set photos, or other teases could begin any time soon; provided Lucasfilm doesn’t play it coy and hold off until Star Wars Celebration Orlando in April, when the first trailer (and boatloads of additional news) is expected.

If The Last Jedi’s marketing campaign is a spoiler lite as TFA’s was, then it could be a long year of speculation and fan theories around exactly what the title means and what it says about the newfound relationship between Luke and Rey. Regardless, fans’ biggest questions likely won’t be answered until the movie finally hits the big screen this Decembers.

Key Release Dates

  • Star Wars 8 Director Offers Last Jedi Opening Crawl Sneak Peek

    Star Wars 8
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  • Han Solo
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