Star Wars: 5 Of The Nicest Things Darth Vader Ever Did (& 5 Of The Worst Acts Anakin Committed)

Star Wars: 5 Of The Nicest Things Darth Vader Ever Did (& 5 Of The Worst Acts Anakin Committed)

The character arc of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is arguably the most interesting in the entire Star Wars franchise, with the journey from good to evil being a gripping one. Starting out positively with Anakin as a young boy learning to become a Jedi, and eventually devolving all the way to being a notorious Sith Lord and one of the most feared men in the galaxy.

However, even though Darth Vader is meant to be the evil version of the character and Anakin the good, the two characters don’t always act in that way. There are many moments where Anakin shows tendencies of the person he is going to become, while there are also moments where Darth Vader reverts to his past, showcasing his kindness.

Darth Vader: “I Am Your Father”

Star Wars: 5 Of The Nicest Things Darth Vader Ever Did (& 5 Of The Worst Acts Anakin Committed)

Arguably the most iconic moment in the entire Star Wars franchise is the scene where Darth Vader reveals himself to be Luke’s father. It’s a huge plot twist that nobody was expecting when Empire Strikes Back was first released, but it leads to a very nice moment for Vader.

While Luke obviously denies it at first and still sees him as evil, it is clearly a moment where Vader begins to question things himself. It’s a scene where, for the first time, it is possible to actually connect with Vader as a person, rather than just an evil monster.

Anakin Skywalker: Slaughtering Tusken Raiders

Anakin Killing Tusken Raiders in Attack of the Clones

When Anakin Skywalker goes back to find his mother to try and free her from slavery, he learns that he is too late, and she dies in his arms. While this obviously is very upsetting for him, the way that Anakin reacts is one of his darkest and most evil moments in the franchise.

Rather than accepting it or showcasing his Jedi training to be calm enough to leave, he ends up pushing his rage and he kills all the Tusken Raiders nearby. He slaughters everyone, including innocent women and children who had nothing to do with his mother’s death.

Darth Vader: A Disturbing Lack Of Faith

Darth Vader Force-chokes Admiral Motti in Star Wars

While this is technically a moment of Darth Vader showing his evil powers on full display, the fact that he is doing it to another villain makes this moment acceptable, and even enjoyable for viewers. When Admiral Motti decides to mock Vader, he is quickly made to pay for his sins.

Vader showcases his full power with a Force-Choke as he comes out with one of the most quoted lines in the history of the franchise, which also helps to make this moment even greater, as it is so memorable.

Anakin Skywalker: Force-Choking Padmé

Anakin Skywalker Chokes Padme Amidala on Mustafar

One of Anakin’s darkest moments comes just before his epic encounter with Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Padmé attempts to talk sense into him, Anakin just sees red and starts Force-choking her. He takes it so far that he almost kills her, with Obi-Wan having to check on her before the fight begins.

It’s a low moment for Anakin because Padmé is supposed to be the love of his life, not to mention the fact that she is pregnant. By this point, Anakin is truly turning to the dark side, and this is a real sign of what is about to come for him.

Darth Vader: A Heart To Heart Conversation

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader talk on Endor before they go to the Emperor in Return of the Jedi

When Luke Skywalker is brought to Darth Vader, the father and son end up having a very interesting conversation. Vader shows moments of being his true self, as he admits to how powerful Luke is, seemingly being impressed with his ability to make a lightsaber.

Luke tries to convince his father to join him and leave, and while he ultimately sends him to Emperor Palpatine at this moment, he admits that it is too late for him to change at this point, showcasing a glimmer of reflection and regret, which is a nice moment for him as a character.

Anakin Skywalker: Beheading Count Dooku

Anakin kills Dooku

This moment really was the clear start of Anakin Skywalker’s journey to the dark side. He and Obi-Wan Kenobi are initially supposed to rescue Chancellor Palpatine, and they are supposed to arrest Count Dooku. Anakin manages to get the best in their fight, but he ends up doing something that no Jedi is supposed to do.

Anakin ends up beheading Count Dooku, murdering him despite the fact he is defenseless. This is the moment when Palpatine plants a seed into Anakin’s head, as he encourages Anakin to do that, and he quickly falls into the peer pressure.

Darth Vader: Turning On The Emperor

Luke and Vader's lightsabers clash over the Emperor in Return of the Jedi

There are plenty of moments throughout the franchise where it is clear to see that Darth Vader still has some good in him. However, that full turn back to being a hero doesn’t take place until he picks up Emperor Palpatine and throws him down the reactor core shaft.

It’s the big redemption moment for his character and showcases the true hero that has been behind the mask the entire time. It becomes clear that caring for his son is more important than anything that the Emperor wants from him, which is certainly a great moment.

Anakin Skywalker: Helping Kill Mace Windu

Anakin helps kill Mace Windu

Mace Windu is one of the ultimate Jedi within the Star Wars universe, and he is the one who uncovers the secret about Chancellor Palpatine and what he is doing. He gets the chance to arrest him and take him down until Anakin comes in.

Mace Windu expects Anakin to help him out at this moment, but that isn’t the decision that he makes. Instead, Anakin decides to save Palpatine’s life, truly choosing the dark side as he chops off Windu’s arm.

Darth Vader: Taking Off The Mask

Darth Vader

Darth Vader’s nicest moment may not be anything over the top or heroic, but when his life is coming to an end, Darth Vader decides he wants to see his son with his own eyes. He removes his mask, and while this makes him die quicker, it allows him to see Luke properly for the first time.

He tells Luke that is what he wants to happen, and that moment within itself is an incredibly emotional one. It’s the point where he steps up as a father and showcases how he does genuinely love his son, wanting to have at least one proper moment with him.

Anakin Skywalker: Slaughtering Younglings

Anakin murdered the younglings

When it comes to Anakin’s evilest moment, his slaughtering of all the younglings is easily his darkest point. By this stage, Anakin is starting to make his change, but even then, slaughtering a bunch of young children is still an incredibly evil moment.

The young children all believe that Anakin is coming to help them to safety, and they’re incredibly vulnerable. They stand no chance due to their youth, but that doesn’t stop Anakin from killing every single one of them.