Star Wars: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Obi-Wan Kenobi

Throughout an incredible forty-plus year history, Star Wars has brought so many brilliant and beloved characters into fan’s lives, from tragic and complex villains to layered and inspirational heroes. One of the most iconic of this extensive collection of characters is Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the many greats of the franchise.

A constant throughout the Skywalker saga and the two animated series as well as novels and comics, fans know a lot about Obi-Wan. But, there are still things about the great Jedi that are either confusing or have, to this point, gone unexplained.

Getting On At Anakin About The Importance Of Lightsabers

Star Wars: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Obi-Wan Kenobi

To casual Star Wars fans who only watch the movies and enjoy them, it is entirely sensical that Obi-Wan gets on at Anakin about caring for his lightsaber.

However, to those who delve deeper into the franchise, they know Obi-Wan has actually had and lost, more lightsabers than Anakin. Obi-Wan has had three of the iconic blades, losing two, while Anakin only lost one saber.

His Skepticism

The Jedi Council put Ahsoka on trial and banish her from the Jedi Order in the Clone Wars.

Throughout the prequels, and doubly so in The Clone Wars, it is obvious Obi-Wan is quite the skeptic and realist, and while he definitely is good-hearted and full of hope and kindness, he gets almost ignorant at points.

His disbelief in the Force at various points in The Clone Wars, denial of Maul’s survival, lack of faith in Ahsoka, and more are all examples of this. With a Master like Qui-Gon, who was so independent and a free thinker who trusted so much in the Force, one would think Obi-Wan had far more faith in things like the Force and issues of the heart.

His Journals

Obi-Wan Kenobi

While in exile on Tatooine protecting Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan kept journals known as the Journals of Ben Kenobi, journals that eventually got into the hands of Luke Skywalker.

However, little is known about the journals, such as their content, and where they ended up. Once Luke went into isolation and died, it is easy to believe Rey got the journals, but this has not gotten confirmation, so the whereabouts of the journals are a mystery.

Why Was He Brought To The Jedi Order So Late?

Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Council Revenge of the Sith

Obi-Wan Kenobi was born on the planet Stewjon and taken to the Jedi Academy to train to become a Jedi at the young age of three.

However, three is a relatively old age for an individual to be taken to the Academy for training. Most Jedi get identified as being Force-sensitive a short time after birth, with a lot of names stored in Jedi holocrons, so why Obi-Wan was not taken until later is a mystery.

Does He Remember His Parents?

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon prepare to figt the Separatist droids sent by the Trade Federation in The Phantom Menace

With that, questions arise about what Obi-Wan remembers about his past. Jedi usually get taken so young they would not be liable to remember their past life, the same with stormtroopers as Finn details.

Anakin, the only Jedi we visibly see the birth parent of multiple times, was very attached to his mother. Clearly, Obi-Wan was not, but it makes one wonder if he remembers them, and so had to work on releasing an attachment and letting go of his love for them.

How Much Time Does He Spend Amongst The Scum And Villainy?

Black Krrsantan attacks Obi-Wan Kenobi in Marvel Comics.

It has become a joke rooted in clear truth within the Star Wars fandom that Obi-Wan is a fan of the cantina and, as such, is pretty knowledgeable about the famous scum and villainy of the Galaxy.

But, given Obi-Wan’s peaceful nature, especially when he is attempting to keep his head down, it makes fans wonder how much time he spent in that life. He gets caught up in some of Jabba’s business at one point, but it feels like there is far more to Obi-Wan’s relationship with the Galaxy’s criminal underworld.

Do He And Yoda Keep In Contact Much?

Obi-Wan and Yoda in The Phantom Menace

Speaking of Obi-Wan’s time in isolation, it is a fascinating period that fans get glimpses of in the comics and Rebels, but a time of which fans are desperate to know more.

Fans know Obi-Wan kept in contact with Qui-Gon throughout his exile, but it is unknown if he kept much contact with Yoda. Of course, they would have to have figured out such a power, but we see Yoda communicate with the likes of Ezra and Kanan, so it is far from impossible.

Does He Make It Off Of Tatooine?

Obi-Wan burns a fire and speaks with Ezra as he awaits Maul in Star Wars Rebels

In the same vein, Obi-Wan is obviously extremely protective of Luke, guarding him at every turn, watching over him and his family, battling Maul instantly at the mention of Luke. Therefore, it is hard to imagine he ever got drawn away from Tatooine.

But, if there is something that gets him off the planet, that is something fans need to see. Obi-Wan’s exile clearly takes a toll on him, so the temptation to leave or getting drawn to something off-world is easy to understand but is yet a mystery.

Do He And Jinn Talk About Jinn’s Journey?

Qui-Gon Jinn was the first Jedi to learn of the path towards life afterlife and becoming one with the Force to regain consciousness after death in the physical realm. He discovered this through journey’s in the Force like that of Yoda, not completing his training fully before death.

He and Obi-Wan kept contact while Obi-Wan was in exile, but no discussion of Qui-Gon’s journey has come up in canon. It seems as though this journey would have been the perfect thing for them to discuss, whether it was after Qui-Gon returned from the journey, or into Obi-Wan’s time on Tatooine.

Does He Go On His Own Journey In The Force?

Yoda talks to the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn on Dagobah in Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Speaking of a journey in the Force, one thing that is seriously confusing and unexplained about Obi-Wan as it stands is whether or not he took such a journey.

He was the second Jedi to learn the power of retaining consciousness out of the physical world, and first to do so in full form. Both Qui-Gon and Yoda went on journeys to wellsprings of the Force, guided by incredibly powerful beings. It seems as though Obi-Wan would have needed to do such a thing, meaning he would have had to leave Tatooine.