Star Wars: 10 Storylines The Disney+ Ahsoka Series Could Explore

Star Wars: 10 Storylines The Disney+ Ahsoka Series Could Explore

Following the introduction of a live-action Ahsoka Tano played by Rosario Dawson in The Mandalorian episode “Chapter 13: The Jedi,” Lucasfilm unsurprisingly announced the development of a spin-off series. Ahsoka will tie into the same narrative timeline as The Mandalorian itself and its other spin-offs, Rangers of the New Republic and The Book of Boba Fett.

After “The Jedi” established that Ahsoka is searching the galaxy for Grand Admiral Thrawn, there are a number of different storylines that her new spin-off series could explore. From a reunion with Ezra to a team-up with Sabine, these plot points might come up when Ahsoka arrives on Disney+.

The Search For Thrawn

Star Wars: 10 Storylines The Disney+ Ahsoka Series Could Explore

The most obvious storyline that the Ahsoka series might cover is the search for Thrawn since it was teased in the character’s Mandalorian appearance. After defeating Magistrate Elsbeth, Ahsoka forced her to reveal the location of her master: Grand Admiral Thrawn.

In the Expanded Universe, Thrawn emerged as one of Star Wars’ greatest villains. He’s a cold, calculating military strategist and he might even become the big bad of the Mando-verse.

Recovering Ezra

Ezra Bridger holds his saber from Star Wars Rebels

When Grogu reached out to other Jedi via the Force, some fans expected a live-action version of Ezra Bridger to answer the call as opposed to Luke Skywalker. Instead, Ezra could reunite with Ahsoka in her new spin-off series.

Ezra is believed to be with Thrawn following their ambiguous fate in the Rebels finale, so the search for Thrawn will undoubtedly bring Ahsoka back to Ezra.

A Team-Up With Sabine Wren

Sabine Wren wields the Darksaber in Star Wars: Rebels.

Sabine Wren has been rumored for a live-action debut ever since a series revolving around a Mandalorian was first announced. Ahsoka’s spin-off seems like the best way to get Sabine into live-action form.

She might just show up for a one-off cameo in Ahsoka leading into her own spin-off, much like Ahsoka’s own initial appearance in The Mandalorian.

Continuing Ahsoka’s Rivalry With Magistrate Elsbeth

Ahsoka Tano and Magistrate Elsbeth in The Mandalorian

Just because Ahsoka bested Elsbeth in combat in “The Jedi,” it doesn’t mean it’s the last we’ve seen of her. As Thrawn’s apprentice, it’s possible that Elsbeth’s story is just getting started.

Their rivalry in The Mandalorian was exciting enough to distract from the fact that Din Djarin himself got sidelined; hopefully, that was just the beginning.

Uncovering The Hierarchy Of The Imperial Remnants

Moff Gideon and the Imperial Remnants

In The Mandalorian, the highest-ranking member of the Imperial Remnants we’ve met so far is Moff Gideon. But Gideon isn’t the top dog — he answers to somebody, who answers to somebody, and so on.

Ahsoka’s search for Grand Admiral Thrawn might take her through the hierarchy of the Imperial Remnants and reveal exactly who’s running the show and what their specific goals are.

Tangling With The New Republic

Carson Teva in The Mandalorian.

If all the Mandalorian-verse spin-offs are tying together as closely as their shared MCU-style continuity would suggest, then Ahsoka might tangle with the New Republic — much like Mando did — to cross over with Rangers of the New Republic.

Ahsoka could either team up with the New Republic to track down Thrawn or clash with them as her vigilante quest for justice interferes with their own investigation into Thrawn.

Reteaming With The Mandalorian

Ahsoka Tano and Din Djarin in The Mandalorian

Rosario Dawson’s live-action Ahsoka was introduced in The Mandalorian, so it would make sense for Mando to show up in her spin-off series. It might distract from Ahsoka’s own journey, but she does have a stake in Din Djarin’s current conflict.

With Mando in possession of the Darksaber and Ahsoka’s old pal Bo-Katan hellbent on claiming the throne of Mandalore, Ahsoka could easily get caught in the crossfire of Mando’s next adventure.

Helping Luke Rebuild The Jedi Order

Luke Skywalker carrying Grogu in The Mandalorian

Now that Luke has taken on Grogu as an apprentice, Ahsoka might help him rebuild the Jedi Order. This is unlikely, though, because Ahsoka refused to train Grogu and she’s technically no longer a Jedi.

But Ahsoka visiting the earliest incarnation of Luke’s Jedi academy — even if it’s just for a single episode — could be a great way to depict Grogu’s training on-screen without making it a “Meanwhile, back at the ranch…” B-plot in the third season of The Mandalorian.

Convening With Anakin’s Force Ghost To Clear The Air

Anakin's Force ghost appears on Endor in Star Wars Return Of The Jedi

With Hayden Christensen reprising his role as Darth Vader in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, he could also reprise his role as Anakin’s Force ghost from the special edition of Return of the Jedi in Ahsoka.

After Anakin turned to the dark side and terrorized the galaxy for years, it’s fair to say that he and Snips need to clear the air. He’s returned to the light side, but he’s a long way from achieving full redemption.

Ghost Crew Reunion

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Mon Mothma Jan Dodonna Ghost Crew Planning Table Yavin

One of the leading theories about the Ahsoka series is that it’ll reunite the Ghost Crew in live-action form. Led by Jedi Kanan Jarrus and pilot Hera Syndulla, the crew of the Ghost launched their own little rebellion against the Empire.

Thanks to Ahsoka and Bail Organa, they became a crucial part of the larger Rebel Alliance. With the rise of the Imperial Remnants, the group could come back together in Ahsoka’s spin-off.