Star Wars: 10 Most Hilarious Droid Scenes In The Films, Ranked

Star Wars: 10 Most Hilarious Droid Scenes In The Films, Ranked

One of the most important mainstays in Star Wars is the droids, present in every movie, TV show, and the vast majority of extended content such as books, comics, and video games. They are the source of friendship, unfair treatment, and some of the best moments in the films, whether by emotion and companionship, or hilarity.

There are a handful of fantastic droids fans get introduced to across the movies, some of the most iconic companions in cinema history even, and these are usually the droids that provide hilarious moments that stick in fans minds, or at the very least get a laugh out loud from Star Wars’ target audience, children.

BB-8’s Coin Attack

Star Wars: 10 Most Hilarious Droid Scenes In The Films, Ranked

One of the biggest and less controversial/toxic issues people have brought up regarding The Last Jedi is the humor sprinkled throughout the movie. A lot of it does not work and does not feel very Star Wars-y.

That is obviously very subjective, and so BB-8’s moment of humor in the movie, while not for everyone, will give a good chuckle to a lot of people. After an encounter with a drunk Canto Bight patron (Mark Hammill) who fills BB-8 with coins, BB-8 later launches the coins at a security guard to escape from the prison.

A Reintroduction

C-3PO tells R2-D2 that he is his best friend in The Rise of Skywalker

The Rise Of Skywalker is a film with a lot of problems narratively. Still, one of the highlights is C-3PO, who has a surprisingly great outing in the movie with funny and emotional moments, even if there are some problems with his arc of losing his memory.

That did provide a funny moment between friends, though, C-3PO, with his memory reset, introduces himself to R2-D2, who gives Threepio a solution for his memory problem. This prompts Threepio to start saying no to whatever Artoo wants to stick in his head before cutting mid-sentence to Artoo sticking something in Threepio’s head to fix his memory.

“That’ll Work.”

B-1 Battle Droids are a consistent comedy source throughout The Clone Wars series, always making audiences laugh, something which does not often happen from them in the prequel trilogy. However, they do have a couple of funny moments in The Clone Wars movie.

Arguably the funniest comes when Ahsoka, Anakin, Rota, etc., are trapped with the Separatist forces attempting to get to them. We see an argument between two droids over which wire to cut before Asajj Ventress simply slashes the entire mechanism with her saber, prompting a “That’ll work.” from the two droids.

Artoo Burns B2’s

R2-D2 in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

There is plenty of moments in the prequel trilogy where comedy is the intention for Artoo and Threepio, but not all of them work. Perhaps the funniest of the bunch comes in the best film of the three.

While on the Invisible Hand, we cut from the Jedi heroes to Artoo burning his way through B2 Battle Droids in what is an undoubtedly funny image, showing Artoo’s more feisty, violent side, akin to the likes of Chopper.

Artoo & Falcon’s Hyperdrive

R2-D2 certainly has a history with power sockets, encountering them in multiple films, and even having them cause him some bother. The funniest scene involving Aroo’s electronic skills comes on the Millennium Falcon in Empire.

In a desperate attempt to escape, Artoo is tasked with fixing the Falcon’s hyperdrive while all chaos is breaking loose. C-3PO is missing limbs shouting at Artoo from behind, and when Artoo actually gets the hyperdrive to work, he ends up falling down into the Falcon while a piece of the floor is off.

Yoda Vs. Artoo

R2-D2 and Yoda in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

The Empire Strikes Back is beloved for so, so many reasons, one of which being how it introduces a handful of excellent characters in the franchise, not least of all the wise Jedi Master Yoda, whose scenes with Luke are a highlight of the trilogy.

When we first meet Yoda, he acts like a bit of a crazy hermit, and in doing so, he begins a fight with R2-D2 after stealing a lamp from Luke. Yoda proceeds to whack Artoo with his stick in a pretty hilarious manner. Before that also, Artoo was getting launched into the swamp, another funny moment.

Artoo & Threepio On Tatooine

C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive on Tatooine and walk through the Dune Sea in A New Hope

Artoo and Threepio have a crucial role in the Skywalker saga, specifically at the beginning of A New Hope. We follow them from the Tantive IV, down to Tatooine, across to Mos Eisley, and to the Death Star.

When they land their escape pod on Tatooine, a classic argument between the two occurs, with Artoo going in one direction and Threepio in another. It is a lighthearted, fun, funny scene between friends who act like an old married couple, with this being the first instance of such.

BB-8 Gives A Thumbs Up

BB-8 Gives a thumbs up to Finn in The Force Awakens

BB-8 was the resident droid of the sequel trilogy and a great addition to the catalog of droids Star Wars has amassed over the years, always being reliable for cute moments and some humor, with the standout example being aboard the Millennium Falcon.

While Rey attempts some repairs, Finn tells her about being in the Resistance and convinces BB-8 to help him lie in what is a funny exchange topped off by a hilarious and adorable thumbs up with his lighter.

“They’re Dying R2!”

R2-D2 and C-3PO in Star Wars: A New Hope

Perhaps the first truly hilarious droid moment in Star Wars comes later in A New Hope when the heroes are aboard the Death Star in a scene that runs alongside Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie being trapped in the trash compactor.

As the walls are caving in, R2 scrambles to help out the heroes while Threepio panics profusely. It is capped off by Threepio’s reaction of pure dread when the heroes celebrate surviving, with Threepio mistaking the laughter and celebration for screams of terror.

Every K-2SO Scene

K-2SO stays behind at the ship on Jedha in Rogue One A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was a great entry to the Star Wars canon and brought some amazing things to the fans, not least of all the reprogrammed Imperial security droid K-2SO, one of the best original characters of this new era.

He has so many hilarious quotes, moments, and scenes throughout Rogue One, from his “Did you know that wasn’t me?” to “Congratulations. You are being rescued.” to a variety of others that are not only great on rewatch, but get you excited for potentially seeing him in the upcoming Cassian Andoseries.