Star Trek’s Ferengi Will Join The Federation, But Will DS9’s Bajor?

Star Trek’s Ferengi Will Join The Federation, But Will DS9’s Bajor?

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks, season 4, episode 6, “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place.”

Star Trek: Lower Decks confirmed that the Ferengi will join the Federation, but the membership status of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s Bajorans is still unconfirmed. “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place” sees Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) meet Grand Nagus Rom (Max Grodénchik) and his Bajoran wife Leeta (Chase Masterson) to discuss terms for Ferenginar’s Federation membership. While both species were introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Ferengi and Bajorans came to prominence in DS9, where they became a key part of the expansive ensemble.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fixed TNG‘s Ferengi mistake, and Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 has built on DS9‘s improvements in a game-changing way. By the end of “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place”, Captain Freeman has successfully convinced the Grand Nagus and Leeta of the benefits of Federation membership. In so doing, she has helped to establish a historic Ferengi moment in Star Trek canon, but it remains to be seen if the Bajorans will follow suit.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Set Up The Ferengi Joining The Federation

Star Trek’s Ferengi Will Join The Federation, But Will DS9’s Bajor?

The Ferengi are inspired to apply for Federation membership due to the risks posed to their trade routes by Star Trek: Lower Decks‘ mystery enemy. The fact that the Federation is seriously considering the application is a testament to the sweeping progressive changes brought in by Grand Nagus Rom and Leeta since the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. However, despite Rom’s progressive approach, he’s still a fierce negotiator and strings along the Starfleet Admiral assigned to the signing. It’s thanks to Freeman’s respect and understanding of Ferengi culture that Rom finally signs the forms to complete their application.

At the end of the episode, Captain Freeman observes that there are still various procedures to complete. However, the road to Federation membership is clear for the Ferengi, and their skills at negotiation alongside their relationships with other planets will make them hugely valuable member species. It’s fitting that it should be Rom who brings Ferenginar into the Federation, given that his son Nog (Aron Eisenberg) was Starfleet’s very first Ferengi officer. While Leeta has overseen the negotiations for Ferengi membership, she’s still to see her own planet join Star Trek‘s Federation.

Bajor Didn’t Join The Federation in Star Trek: DS9 – But Will It?

A student receives applause at a graduation ceremony, with various flags on display behind them

Although then-Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) was originally assigned to prepare the planet for membership, Bajor didn’t join the Federation. This was due to the threat posed to them by Cardassia and the Dominion should they become Federation members. Now that the war is over, attention will presumably turn to Bajor’s Federation membership. As both Bajoran Emissary and Starfleet officer, Captain Sisko observed that Bajor would eventually join the Federation. A Star Trek: Picard season 2 Easter egg suggests that it will happen at some point after the Ferengi’s own membership.

As Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) delivered his speech at the graduation ceremony, Bajoran and Ferengi flags were both visible. It’s possible that these flags referred to the home worlds of those students who were graduating from Starfleet Academy. However, as Starfleet is the Federation’s defense force, it could also be a reference to the member states in the late 24th century. If so, then fans can expect to see Bajor finally join the Federation at some point between Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Picard, just as The Emissary Captain Sisko predicted.

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 streams Thursdays on Paramount+.