Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Songwriters Were Told: “We Want People To Cry”

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Songwriters Were Told: “We Want People To Cry”

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds songwriters Kay Hanley and Tom Polce reveal they were instructed to make people cry watching Star Trek‘s first-ever musical episode, “Subspace Rhapsody.” Hanley and Polce, from the band Letters to Cleo, wrote and composed all of the songs for “Subspace Rhapsody” in just five weeks. It was a rewarding but emotional experience that led Hanley to cry for the first time ever while writing a song.

At WonderCon, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds‘ musical episode was screened in a singalong event, followed by a panel with Kay Hanley and Tom Polce moderated by Scott Mantz. Hanley revealed she had never cried writing a song before “Keep Us Connected,” which was sung by Ensign Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), and Tom Polce says writers Bill Wolkoff, Dana Horgan, and Strange New Worlds‘ showrunners encouraged the songs to be emotional. Check out their quotes below:

Kay Hanley: I’ve been writing songs, we both have, for 30 years, and I’ve never cried while writing a song until “Keep Us Connected.”

Tom Polce: One of the great directives they gave us – from the very beginning of this when we were trying to figure out ‘what is this about? What are these songs going to be about?’, it was clear to all of us that this wasn’t going to be an hour of jazz hands set to superfluous music. What was important was that lyrically, it was a narrative, and it was an exposition of these characters emotionally. And when they said to us, I swear, it was like, ‘We want people to cry’… That’s what they said!

Kay Hanley: So I took that to heart. Meaning, you want me to cry. And I did. I cried, and I still cry. I sobbed writing the Uhura song.

Check out the full performance of “Keep Us Connected” from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds‘ musical, “Subspace Rhapsody”, below:

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Musical Songwriters Were Told: “We Want People To Cry”


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Why Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Musical Was So Emotional

The crew of the Starship Enterprise bared their innermost feelings

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds‘ musical worked wonders not just because it was wildly entertaining, but there was genuine depth and heartfelt emotion behind the characters’ songs. While the threat of the subspace rift affecting the entire galaxy satisfied Star Trek’s sci-fi requirements, the crux of the episode was the crew of the Starship Enterprise laying their innermost feelings bare. Characters like Uhura, Nurse Christine Chapel (Jess Bush), Lt. La’an Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong), and Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) sang out loud their hopes and deepest fears since Strange New Worlds began.

Nurse Chapel came to a fateful decision to put herself first in “I’m Ready,” breaking the heart of Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck) in the process. La’an’s heartwrenching performance of “How Would That Feel?” gave her the strength to open herself up to others, especially Lt. James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley). And the powerhouse “Keep Us Connected” made Ensign Uhura face the loss of her family and Lt. Hemmer (Bruce Horak), but affirmed Uhura’s true purpose as the heart of the Starship Enterprise. “Keep Us Connected” gave Uhura the fortitude to save the Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds while bringing Kay Hanely and audiences to tears.

Source: WonderCon

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is streaming on Paramount+

Star Trek Strange New Worlds Poster-1


Melissa Navia
, Babs Olusanmokun
, Ethan Peck
, Jess Bush
, Celia Rose Gooding
, Rebecca Romijn
, Bruce Horak
, Anson Mount
, Christina Chong
, Paul Wesley



Streaming Service(s)



Star Trek


Akiva Goldsman
, Henry Alonso Myers
, Bill Wolkoff


Chris Fisher
, Amanda Row
, Jonathan Frakes
, Valerie Weiss


Henry Alonso Myers
, Akiva Goldsman

Where To Watch
