Star Trek Reveals The Fate Of Riker’s TNG Rival

Star Trek Reveals The Fate Of Riker’s TNG Rival

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2, Episode 5 – “An Embarrassment of Dopplers”.

Commander Shelby (Elizabeth Dennehy) was one of the most memorable guest stars of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2 reveals what became of Shelby after her appearance in “The Best of Both Worlds” two-parter. Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2, episode 5 centers on Ensign Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) impersonating his doppelganger William so that he and Ensign Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) can crash an exclusive Starfleet party where Shelby is one of the prestigious guests.

“The Best of Both Worlds” is one of the greatest events of Star Trek: The Next Generation as it was the saga where the Borg invaded and assimilated Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), turning him into Locutus of Borg. Lt. Commander Shelby was one of the rising stars of Starfleet; transferred to the USS Enterprise-D from Starfleet Tactical, Shelby implemented her strategies to counter a potential Borg invasion. But Shelby was also incredibly ambitious; she made no bones that she wanted the job of First Officer of the Enterprise and that Commander William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) was in her way. Riker and Shelby clashed several times but when Picard was turned into Locutus, Riker was promoted to Captain of the Enterprise and Will reluctantly made Shelby his Number One. Commander Shelby led the Away Team that rescued Picard from the Borg Cube and the Enterprise was able to disable the enemy ship. Afterward, Shelby returned to Starfleet Command to lead a task force to rebuild the fleet after the Battle of Wolf 359.

Commander Shelby was always considered to be on the fast track to becoming the Captain of her own ship. Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2, episode 5, “An Embarrassment of Dopplers,” revealed that the ambitious blonde Starfleet Officer did, indeed, become Captain Shelby. No further details about when she received her promotion were given but it makes sense that someone of Shelby’s talent and drive rose through the ranks and became a Captain. Indeed, Shelby was a seasoned wartime commander after the Battle of Wolf 359 on TNG, one of Star Trek‘s notable wars, and Starfleet probably tapped her to head up one of their many strike forces during the Dominion War on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. By Star Trek: Lower Decks‘ era circa 2380/2381, it’s been about 15 years since “The Best of Both Worlds” and Captain Shelby would have to rank among the most experienced and decorated combat officers in Starfleet.

Star Trek Reveals The Fate Of Riker’s TNG Rival

Unfortunately, despite appearing in the first two episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks episode 2, Will Riker was a no-show at the swanky Starfleet gala, so there was no reunion with Captain Shelby. Of course, Riker finally accepted a promotion to Captain in Star Trek: Nemesis after spending 15 years as First Officer of Captain Picard’s Enterprise. Star Trek: Lower Decks also shows an energetic Captain Riker in command of the USS Titan, where his primary mission is to lead action-packed adventures taking on enemy races like the Pakleds. Considering how relatively late Riker’s own promotion to Captain came, it’s likely Shelby would have teased him for taking so long to get his own ship (and for never getting the Enterprise in spite of his incredibly long wait) if Riker and Shelby came face-to-face again.

Star Trek: The Next Generation held up Gene Roddenberry’s edict that there must be no interpersonal conflict within Starfleet but Riker and Shelby’s rivalry in “The Best of Both Worlds” was one of the rare exceptions. The two Starfleet officers were memorably antagonistic towards each other and skirted breaking Roddenberry’s ‘no conflict’ rule. But it was also Shelby’s rudeness towards Will that made Riker question his own ambitions. Crucially, when it came time to command the Enterprise and work with Shelby to rescue Captain Picard and stop the Borg, Riker rose to the occasion and showed why he would – and does – make an excellent Captain in Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Star Trek: Lower Decks streams Thursdays on Paramount+.