Star Trek: How Old Every Voyager Bridge Character Was At The Start & End

Star Trek: How Old Every Voyager Bridge Character Was At The Start & End
Star Trek: How Old Every Voyager Bridge Character Was At The Start & End

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The crew of Star Trek: Voyager traveled 70 thousand light-years across the galaxy in only seven years, but how old was each member at the beginning and end of the epic galaxy-spanning journey? With a rag-tag mixture of Starfleet officers and Maquis terrorists, the U.S.S. Voyager was represented by a diverse range of backgrounds as well as ages which gave the trip intrigue as they made their way through the uncharted territory of the Delta Quadrant. Voyager took audiences where no Star Trek show had gone before, and the bridge crew characters aged and matured along with the seven-year journey.

Launched on its first mission in 2371 under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, Voyager made Star Trek history by having a female captain. While on the hunt for a missing Maquis ship in the Badlands, Voyager was hurtled across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant, where the disparate crews were forced to work together to traverse the 70-year distance. While the crew could have been over 70 years older by the time they reached Earth, a series of fortunate breaks actually shortened the trip down to seven years which allowed the relatively young crew to explore their careers at the turn of the 25th century.

The Ages Of Each Crew Member In 2371

Chakotay, Janeway, and Tuvok look on in Voyager

Taking command of the newly commissioned ship, Captain Kathryn Janeway’s age was actually left rather ambiguous by the series. No official birth year was ever established for her, but several sources placed it somewhere in the 2330s of the Star Trek timeline. The non-canon Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway by Una McCormack cites 2336 which would have made her 35 in 2371. Her Maquis first officer, Chakotay, was 42 when he rejoined a Starfleet crew, and his Maquis compatriot-turned-engineer B’Elanna Torres was only 25. Helmsman Tom Paris was even younger at 24, though his birthday is based on the age of his holographic alter-ego who was 26 in the year 2373.

Medic and botanist Kes was a unique specimen in terms of age because her Ocampa rapid aging meant that she was only two in 2371. Her love interest, the cook Neelix, never had his age revealed, though his plethora of life experience could have placed him in middle age. The Holographic Doctor was activated in 2371, but his hologram nature meant he didn’t actually age like a humanoid. The Vulcan tactical officer Tuvok was the oldest onboard entering his time on Voyager at 107, while Ensign Harry Kim was the youngest at only 22. Joining the crew late, former Borg Seven of Nine was 30 when she joined in 2374.

The Ages Of Each Crew Member In 2378

Two Janeways talks in Star Trek Voyager

Captain Janeway was 42 when reaching Earth in 2378, and she quickly gained a Vice Admiral position. Meanwhile, Chakotay was 49 and his gallant efforts lead to a captaincy. Engineer Torres was 32, while Tom Paris would have been 31, based on his previously established birth year. Kes departed Voyager at age five to become a corporeal being in 2374, leaving Neelix behind. Tuvok suffered through a pon farr cycle while aboard Voyager, and was 114 when reaching home. Harry Kim was 29 years old after Star Trek: Voyager, and the newly reformed Seven of Nine was 34 when she reached the Alpha Quadrant and eventually joined Starfleet.