Star Trek: DS9 Showed Why Quark Would Never Be Grand Nagus From The Start

Star Trek: DS9 Showed Why Quark Would Never Be Grand Nagus From The Start

Quark (Armin Shimerman) was never going to become Grand Nagus in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as proved by DS9‘s first Ferengi episode. In the season 1 episode “The Nagus”, DS9 introduced the character of Grand Nagus Zek (Wallace Shawn), the leader of the Ferengi Alliance, the most powerful figure on Ferenginar. Quark’s Bar became a vital location for expanding Ferengi business interests into the Gamma Quadrant, which won the DS9 bartender favor with the Grand Nagus, with many believing that Quark could succeed Zek in the event of his retirement.

Instead, it was Quark’s brother Rom (Max Grodénchik) who was named as the new Grand Nagus toward the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Grand Nagus Rom recently began the process for the Ferengi to join the Federation in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4. Meanwhile, Quark now has an expansive business empire stretching from Deep Space Nine to Freecloud and beyond as seen in Star Trek: Picard. This was only right, as Quark was always a stronger businessman than his brother, while Rom was always the better politician. “The Nagus” even foreshadows Rom’s future by having Grand Nagus Zek stay in his quarters.

Star Trek: DS9 Season 1 Proved Quark Would Never Be Grand Nagus

Star Trek: DS9 Showed Why Quark Would Never Be Grand Nagus From The Start

In “The Nagus”, Zek visits Quark’s Bar to hold a meeting about business opportunities in the Gamma Quadrant, during which he names Quark as his successor. When Grand Nagus Zek drops dead, Quark inherits the power, but also the threats to Zek’s life. In an attempt to keep his potential assassins happy, Quark begins breezily handing out business deals to potential rivals. This is incredibly reckless, and even Rom can see this isn’t fitting business practice for the leader of the Ferengi Alliance.

While Quark and Zek would continue to be a strong team, there was never any serious suggestion that he would become the next Grand Nagus. Throughout Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Quark throws himself into multiple money-making schemes, while rarely considering the consequences of his actions. This is incredibly rash behavior for someone who is supposed to make the final decision on all affairs relating to Ferengi society. The fact that Zek only names Quark as his successor to expose his son Krax’s murderous intentions is a good sign that the Grand Nagus doesn’t see DS9‘s bartender as a serious candidate for the role.

Why DS9’s Rom Made A Better Grand Nagus For Star Trek’s Future

Leeta and Rom meet Captain Carol Freeman in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4

Although seen as inferior to his brother Quark, Rom was the perfect choice for Grand Nagus in Star Trek‘s future. When Star Trek: Deep Space Nine started, all Rom wanted was to take over Quark’s Bar on the station, presumably after his brother ascended to the role of Grand Nagus or expanded his business elsewhere. This lack of ambition inspired his son Nog (Aaron Eisenberg) to dream bigger and pursue a career in Starfleet. In turn, Nog ultimately inspired his father to also pursue goals outside of Quark’s Bar.

Rom led a worker’s uprising at Quark’s Bar, becoming a Union man and marking himself out as politically progressive. There were already hints that Rom was more than just another Ferengi in “The Nagus”, when he returns a customer’s purse without first stealing money from it. Working alongside Chief Miles O’Brien and DS9’s engineering team, Nog got valuable experience of different alien cultures on both sides of the wormhole. Given that negotiating with other cultures is a key part of the job of a Grand Nagus, Rom’s natural curiosity and progressive politics in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine made him Zek’s ideal successor.