‘Star Trek 3’ Returning The ‘Spirit’ of Original TV Series

‘Star Trek 3’ Returning The ‘Spirit’ of Original TV Series

Star Trek 3, has had a long and troubled road to production. With J.J. Abrams (who helmed the first two installments) gone to a galaxy far, far away, Paramount initially pegged series writer/producer Roberto Orci to direct, only for him to depart the project late last year. Even though Fast and Furious filmmaker Justin Lin was quickly brought on board as a replacement, Orci leaving had the unwanted collateral of a last-minute rewrite of the script, making times on the U.S.S. Enterprise very chaotic as the film tries to make its July 2016 release date.

Behind-the-scenes tensions aside, Star Trek 3 has the added task of rebuilding the goodwill that was generated by Abrams’ first film, since 2013’s Star Trek Into Darkness proved divisive amongst hardcore fans. Though the sequel was well-received critically and became a box office hit, many moviegoers took issue with the story’s derivative nature (copying Wrath of Khan) and the extreme methods the team used to preserve some of their “secrets.” With Star Wars on the comeback trail, the pressure is on Lin and company to deliver something worthwhile.

Though Abrams’ works helped rejuvenate the brand in the eyes of casual moviegoers, the Trekkies took issue with the decision to steer the new films more towards Star Wars-esque action, which seemingly conflicted with the tone of the original TV series. That program earned a passionate fan base with its stories of exploration in the far corners of the universe, illustrating how people of different species could work together to advance mankind and make the world a better place.

‘Star Trek 3’ Returning The ‘Spirit’ of Original TV Series

Those hoping that the new movies eventually honor that tradition will surely be pleased by the latest update on the project, which comes from co-writer and cast member Simon Pegg. While speaking with Spinoff Online, he briefly touched on the tone he and Doug Jung are striving for in their screenplay, which apparently gels with what made Star Trek so beloved nearly five decades ago:

“I think we just want to take it forward with the spirit of the TV show. And it’s a story about frontierism and adventure and optimism and fun, and that’s where we want to take it, you know. Where no man has gone before – where no one has gone before, sensibly corrected for a slightly more enlightened generation. But yeah, that’s the mood at the moment.”

Pegg, firmly entrenched in geek culture, is more than familiar with the overall Trek lore (not just including his appearances as the new Scotty), meaning that he could very well be a “perfect fit” for returning the franchise back to its roots. His vision for what the upcoming film should entail has excited Abrams (still serving as a producer), so it certainly sounds like Pegg’s on the track to crafting a memorable movie. Currently, it’s unknown what exactly Pegg and Jung have in mind (it may involve Klingons), but this development should be promising and comforting for longtime fans.

The Enterprise in Star Trek 2009

As Star Trek 3 quickly approaches the start of principal photography, perhaps the cloud of doom and gloom that has hovered over it can finally be lifted. The exciting possibilities stemming from a new adventure in the vein of the original TV show would normally be enough, but Lin is eyeing big names like Idris Elba to round out his cast and give the Enterprise crew a formidable villain to face. Fingers crossed Star Trek can have a James Bond-style 50th anniversary party and soar to unprecedented heights next summer.

Star Trek 3 will be in theaters July 8, 2016.