Spotify Wrapped: How Its Stats & Features Have Changed Over The Years

Spotify Wrapped: How Its Stats & Features Have Changed Over The Years

Spotify’s annual Wrapped list has been released just in time for the holiday season and, as ever, there are some new features for users to enjoy. The Wrapped lists give Spotify users a look back at their listening habits during the year, as well as providing an insight into its users’ listening trends as a whole. 2020 Wrapped is the most feature-loaded edition to date and highlights just how much the concept has evolved since it was launched.

Wrapped started in 2015 when it was known as the Year in Music, listing the biggest songs of the year and a user’s top 100 songs. The name was changed to Wrapped in 2016, but the format stayed the same. It wasn’t until 2017 that the foundations of the now-familiar identity were put into place, with personalized listening stats and interactivity. In 2016, Spotify also set the parameters for users to qualify for Wrapped, with them having to have had an account before the cutoff date and have listened to at least five different artists and 30 different tracks. These would change over the years but have stayed broadly the same.

While the earlier Wrapped lists were pretty basic, new features have gradually been added. 2017 saw the introduction of ‘The Ones That Got Away’, a playlist of tracks a user missed but would probably like, and ‘Tastebreakers’, a  playlist of artists and songs less in line with a user’s typical taste that they might enjoy. Those two features were removed in 2019, showing that sometimes features are taken out too. Instead, 2019 got the ‘Best of the Decade For You’, which detailed a user’s music taste over the course of the 2010s, or for however long they’d had their account.

Spotify Wrapped Newest Features

Spotify Wrapped: How Its Stats & Features Have Changed Over The Years

Spotify gave extra attention to podcasts this year, perhaps unsurprisingly given the moves it’s making in that area, such as implementing video podcasts and signing up an exclusive deal for the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. It told users how many minutes they spent listening to podcasts and which podcast they binged the most.

Other new features were also added this year. Quizzes have given users a way to test their knowledge about their own listening habits, while badges were awarded to users for achievements like being a ‘Tastemaker’ if their playlists gained followers, a ‘Pioneer’ if they streamed a song before it hit 50,000 streams, and a ‘Collector’ if they added a certain number of songs to playlists. Spotify also told us about how listening habits had changed overall in 2020, with the pandemic led to an uptick in workout and working-from-home playlists.