Spotify Was Down But Is Now Fixed And Working Again (Just Like Discord)

Spotify Was Down But Is Now Fixed And Working Again (Just Like Discord)

A Spotify outage today made it impossible for many to access and use the music-streaming service, but it now looks like the problem has been fixed. Outages are nothing new in the online world and, in some cases, have the tendency to affect more than one website or service at the same time. That might have also been the case today with Spotify.

Although Spotify is primarily a service for listening to music, it has been expanding over the years into other areas. Most notably, its major investment into podcasts and its more recent push into hardware. All of which has meant that Spotify is quickly becoming a one-stop streaming service for everything audio. This also means that, when the service encounters technical issues, it has the ability to impact a lot of users.

Spotify was down today. The service quickly became aware of the issue and noted that it was working on a fix. In a Tweet by its Spotify Status Twitter handle, the company confirmed that “something’s not quite right” and that it is currently “looking into it.” While not exactly a detailed analysis of the situation, it was at least confirmation that a problem existed and that any users experiencing an issue could assume the problem was not on their end. More importantly, a follow-up Tweet later confirmed that the issue has now been fixed.

Discord Was Also Down

Spotify Was Down But Is Now Fixed And Working Again (Just Like Discord)

Strangely, Discord was also down today and appeared to have started encountering issues around the same time as Spotify. If the two outages were related, then it would normally be expected that there would be reports of other major services going down as well, especially if the problem was at the DNS or server level. However, that wasn’t really the case. At the same time, if the two outages were unrelated, then that would have been one strange coincidence.

The Discord issue also seems to have now been fixed, again, with access restored roughly around the same time as Spotify. Also similar to Spotify, Discord acknowledged the problem and in slightly more detailed fashion by providing continuous updates on the progress it was making to implement a fix. Interestingly, Discord didn’t state that the original problem was fixed, but a workaround was implemented instead. Whether or not that’s also the case for Spotify remains to be seen, but it is certainly possible. For those that continue to have an issue with either Spotify or Discord, it may just now be a matter of a slight delay until access is fully restored.