Spock Admits the Dark Truth of Why the Romulan Supernova Was So Devastating

Spock Admits the Dark Truth of Why the Romulan Supernova Was So Devastating

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek: Defiant #12!

Mister Spock admits the dark truth of why the Romulan supernova was so devastating. A monumental event in Star Trek’s late-24th century, the Romulan supernova, was not only important to JJ Abrams’ 2009 reboot, but also the first season of Picard as well. The Romulans never fully recovered, and in Star Trek: Defiant #12, Spock offers some insight into why the supernova set them back so much.

Star Trek: Defiant #12 is written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Angel Unzueta. In previous issues, Spock has been analyzing a curious stellar phenomenon in a sector of Romulan space, and he is beginning to realize something terrible is amiss. Spock ponders what might happen if the Romulans were faced with a grave, existential threat.

Spock Admits the Dark Truth of Why the Romulan Supernova Was So Devastating

Spock realizes the Romulans have alienated nearly every race in the galaxy, including the Klingons, and no one can come to their help if they should need it.

The Romulans Have A Long History of Deception and Lies

Do They Have Any Redeeming Value?

Star Trek Enterprise United Romulans

As seen in the first season of Star Trek: Picard, the Federation did eventually come to the Romulans’ aid. Picard took a promotion to Admiral, and coordinated a relief effort. The effort was controversial from the get-go, as some races felt betrayed that the Federation would help their longtime adversaries, with some species even threatening to pull out. However, the relief effort was cut short by a horrifying attack on Mars. In the aftermath, the Federation withdrew its aid to the Romulans–who, ironically, were the architects of the Martian attack.

The Romulans’ attack on Mars, all while the Federation was helping them, proves Spock’s point for him. Since first contact between humans and the Romulans in the 22nd century, the two have been at odds. Only one war has been fought against the Romulans, and it was one of the worst ever recorded. Since then, the Romulans have worked from the shadows to undermine the Federation, often engaging in subterfuge and deception to get their way. In addition to hating the Federation, the Romulans have had long and bloody feuds with the Klingons and the Cardassians as well.

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Fans know that Wolverine was on the business end of a Vulcan Nerve Pinch, but many do not know what shocking event happened next.

It Will be A Long Road for the Romulans

In Time, They Will Learn to Trust Other Species

Data has a discussion with two Romulans in Star Trek: TNG

Spock is right: the Romulans have alienated a good portion of the galaxy. For someone like him, who has worked for reunification between the Romulans and the Vulcans, this must hurt even more. Spock is working against cultural norms that have been in place for thousands of years, giving him an uphill battle. If he wants the Vulcans to embrace the Romulans, the Romulans must first learn to trust them. They must move beyond their desire to bite the hand that feeds them, for if the supernova taught them anything, they are one of the most hated species in the galaxy.

Star Trek: Defiant #12 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek: Defiant #12 (2024)

Image of the Defiant crew, including Worf and Spock, under attack.
  • Writer: Christopher Cantwell
  • Artist: Angel Unzueta
  • Colorist: Marissa Louise
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Angel Unzueta