Spider-Man’s Ultimate Form Is The Justice League’s Worst Nightmare

Spider-Man’s Ultimate Form Is The Justice League’s Worst Nightmare

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Savage Spider-Man #5

The Justice League are always worried and concerned about what would happen if a fellow hero ever went rogue and needed to be stopped… in which case, Spider-Man’s ultimate form would send them into a panci.

After investigating and fighting against a dangerous performance enhancing drug, Spider-Man has injected it himself in the pages of his Marvel Comics. The reaction was not good and turned him into a half man-half spider monster. Eventually, Spider-Man was able to evolve out of that form and into one that appeared perfectly human. But Spider-Man wasn’t back to his normal self just yet. In this form, he was driven completely by logic and reason, devoid of all emotion and empathy.

In Savage Spider-Man #5 by Joe Kelly and Gerardo Sandoval, Spider-Man actually hijacked the bad guys plan to rewrite the brains of everyone on earth. He came to this decision through cold and calculated logic that it made the most sense to save the maximum amount of lives. But when he was eventually convinced that emotion and empathy actually serve a purpose in people, Spider-Man decided to go back on his plan and allow those feelings to re-enter himself. So in the end, he was no longer the overly rational version of himself and was perfectly back to normal.

Spider-Man’s Ultimate Form Is The Justice League’s Worst Nightmare

The scary thing about an overly logical Spider-Man is that he still views himself to be a hero and that he’s doing the right thing. This is Batman’s ultimate fear about the Justice League. As a human, Batman views all of the members of the Justice League as having a tremendous amount of power. He fears their power and comes up with contingencies just stop them if they were to ever go rogue and try to inflict their own justice and will on humanity. This is exactly what Spider-Man tried to do and justified it using nothing but logic.

But what makes Spider-Man extraordinarily dangerous in this form is that both his physical and mental capacities are working at the top of their game. Spider-Man was able to have a complete mental conversation completely disconnected from his body, which was engaged in an all-out fight. Members of the Justice League might be strong and have a wide array of skills, but it’s unclear if they would be able to match this heightened version of Spider-Man if he were to ever arise again.