Spider-Man’s New Upgrade Officially Makes Him “The Most Dangerous Superhuman in the World” Marvel Confirms

Spider-Man’s New Upgrade Officially Makes Him “The Most Dangerous Superhuman in the World” Marvel Confirms

As Spider-Man undergoes a shocking transformation, Marvel has confirmed Peter Parker is becoming “the most dangerous superhuman in the world.” On a planet that includes powerhouses like Thor, Venom, Hulk, and the Scarlet Witch, that’s a huge claim, speaking to the immense threat Peter’s dark side poses once it’s let loose.

Recently, Marvel revealed the solicit information for its July comics. One of the most shocking reveals was Amazing Spider-Man #53, which boasts the official debut of ‘Spider-Goblin’ – a new form for Peter Parker that will turn him into a dark reflection of his nemesis, the Green Goblin.

Amazing Spider-Man #53 (2024)

Spider-Man’s New Upgrade Officially Makes Him “The Most Dangerous Superhuman in the World” Marvel Confirms

Release Date:

July 10, 2024


Zeb Wells


Todd Nauck

Cover Artist:

Ed McGuinness

Following the shocking events of #50, PETER PARKER is a changed man. He’s now SPIDER-GOBLIN, the most dangerous superhuman in the world. And his chaos is DEADLY! Meanwhile, who will stop Norman Osborn?!

This volume of Amazing Spider-Man has been all about Peter’s relationship with Norman Osborn. Ever since Norman had his sins consumed by the villainous Sin-Eater, he’s been on a mission to redeem himself as the Gold Goblin. However, Norman’s sins are still out there, formed into a weapon by the vengeful Queen Goblin. Peter has already been infused with Norman’s past evil once – and now it seems he’ll be totally lost to the goblin persona.



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Peter Parker Becomes the Spider-Goblin

Marvel Art Shows Spider-Man Effortlessly Beating the Sinister Six

peter parker as the spider-goblin in spider-man

A callous businessman, Norman Osborn was turned into the Green Goblin by his own experiments and went on to become Peter Parker’s most vicious enemy, famously killing the Gwen Stacy of Marvel’s main timeline. However, while Osborn was never a good person, the Goblin persona was the result of an experimental formula transforming his mind. Free of that chemical cocktail and given a new start by Sin-Eater, Osborn is being eaten alive by guilt, even as he tries to fight for some kind of redemption. Sadly, his sins can’t simply be ignored, and they now have the mystic power to imbue others with evil.

Queen Goblin Is the Most Likely Suspect in Spider-Man’s Transformation

There’s Always a New Way for Norman Osborn to Hurt Peter Parker

Amazing Spider-Man-90-Queen-Goblin-Featured

Osborn’s old enemies aren’t willing to let the past die – especially the Queen Goblin, who was transformed as a result of Sin-Eater’s actions. With Kraven’s help, she forged Osborn’s sins into a spear and attempted to force them on someone else, with Kraven targeting Spider-Man. The spear awakened Spidey’s inner darkness and he subsequently attempted to kill Mary Jane’s new partner Paul. Spider-Man has recovered since, and the source of his Spider-Goblin persona is a mystery, but it’s almost certainly bound up in the Queen Goblin’s plans.

The truly bizarre claim from Marvel is that Peter’s transformation will make him “the most dangerous superhuman in the world.” While the Green Goblin is superstrong, and this would be even more pronounced given Spider-Man’s existing strength, it’s difficult to see how any physical upgrade could make this true. It’s possible Spider-Goblin will be in possession of some kind of world-ending device, and the unusual phrasing of the issue’s solicit could imply Spider-Goblin will be able to influence others, spreading his ‘chaos’ from person to person (similar powers have been seen in other goblins before.) Ultimately, fans will only learn the full power of Spider-Goblin when Peter Parker’s Spider-Man undergoes this terrifying change in July.

Amazing Spider-Man #53 is coming from Marvel Comics July 10.