Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ List of Mentors Puts Batman’s Training to Shame

Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ List of Mentors Puts Batman’s Training to Shame

Warning: Spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13!Batman and Miles Morales could not be more different, character-wise, but they’ve taken surprisingly similar approaches to mentorship, with the young Spider-Man having one additional benefit. In preparing to become Batman, Bruce Wayne traveled around the world to learn the best skills from the best teachers. This quest brought him into contact with the world’s greatest fighters, detectives, thieves, magicians and more.

Miles Morales, though, has had his own series of mentors without having to leave his city, as illustrated in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 by Cody Ziglar, Federico Vicentini, Bryan Valenza, and VC’s Cory Petit. Even before this issue, this series alone has showcased Spider-Man running into several noteworthy heroes who have either given him tremendous advice or swanky costumes.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ List of Mentors Puts Batman’s Training to Shame

Not only has Miles gotten to learn from the best mentors the Marvel Universe has to offer, but he continues to add mentors to his repertoire after he has already become a hero, continuing to improve during his career in the process. If he were in the Marvel Universe, then surely, Batman would be jealous.

Spider-Man Got a Better Mentorship Deal Than Batman

Spider-Man Miles Morales trained by Colleen Wing and Misty Knight

Throughout this series, Miles can be seen learning expertise from notable heroes. Often, upon earning a famous hero’s respect, Miles even gets some kind of new costume out of the partnership, such as when Iron Man gifted Miles his own Iron Spider. Similarly, more recently, Spider-Man got an anti-vampire suit from Blade following their team-up. Spider-Man has even gotten himself the ultimate therapist in Dr. Sasquatch to help him focus his Spider-Sense after having problems honing it earlier in the series.

In Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13, it is revealed that Miles has been taking training lessons from the Daughters of the Dragon, the duo of Colleen Wing and Misty Knight. These lessons prove to be fruitful once Miles not only learns how to best the two master martial artists, but incorporates their lessons in order to battle a supervillain team-up he has to face in this issue.

Spider-Man Has One Thing Batman Didn’t During His Training

Doc Samson aka Dr. Sasquatch has a therapy session with Miles Morales Spider-Man

Bruce Wayne had to leave Gotham in order to receive the best training from the best possible instructors on the planet. On top of that, he was pretty much on his own for the most part once he became Batman. Meanwhile, Miles Morales does not even need to leave Brooklyn. All of the best mentors he could ask for are either in the New York area, visiting, or in the case of his therapist, he uses technology to keep in touch, all while he’s still an active superhero. Miles Morales gets to learn from experts in numerous different fields of study much like Batman did, only Spider-Man is receiving training during his superhero career instead of before, and he doesn’t have to leave his home base to do so.