Spider-Man Just Brought A Marvel Hero Back To Life

Spider-Man Just Brought A Marvel Hero Back To Life

Warning! Spoilers for The Amazing Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1!

Spider-Man is well known for being a friendly neighborhood hero that you can always count on in a pinch, and keeping in line with that fact, he just did the impossible by bringing an iconic Marvel hero back to life. Man-Thing might be an acquired taste for some fans, but its revival is a huge development in Marvel Comics, and it’s all thanks to the one and only Spider-Man.

Seen at the tail end of the newest issue of the Man-Thing mini event to hit comic stands, The Amazing Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 by Steve Orlando and Marco Failla with Minkyu Jung, shows the Avengers in a precarious situation as they battle a version of Man-Thing controlled by the villain Harrower. Diving into and interacting with the final tangled remnants of the real Man-Thing to talk to its trapped host, Ted Sallis, in an attempt to try and convince the man to take hold of his destiny and bring the Man-Thing back properly, the members of the Avengers, Captain America included, realize this is a task easier said than done.

Told to Cap by Sallis to search out Spider-Man’s scaly green villain-turned good guy, Curt Connors aka The Lizard, to help find a way to beat back the growing stalks of Harrower’s Man-Thing that have terrorized the world, Connors admits that he has no sway over the monster that Sallis believes he has turned into, leaving a slim amount of options left for success. And it’s here – after a few words of encouraging wisdom from The Lizard himself about Spidey being able to “…convince him to take hold of the monster within,” – Spider-Man takes a dive into Man-Thing to see if he can make one last attempt to bring Sallis back to his senses.

Spider-Man Just Brought A Marvel Hero Back To Life

Jumping into the mass of vines that brings him face-to-face with Sallis, Spider-Man immediately sits the guy down for a stern talking to in a mentoring sort of way that only Spider-Man can pull off. Being honest and raw with his words, Spider-Man understands Sallis’ struggle about making a selfish mistake that ended with him turning into Man-Thing, and through speaking from his own experiences, Spidey relates to the man by bringing a lot of his own missteps to the forefront.

Saying that he understands where Sallis is at the moment and that he can still take responsibility for his part in birthing the Man-Thing and by extension causing the chaos around the globe, Spidey makes sure to add the qualifier that Sallis can break free from this prison and control Man-Thing again only if Sallis so chooses. Telling him, “You made a bad choice, Sallis. You did it. So what are you going to do now?” Spider-Man wraps up the peppiest of all pep talks for a man that needed to hear exactly what Spidey was dishing out.

So as Spider-Man leaps back out of the remains of Man-Thing, a tense moment passes before the pile of vines begins to move, grow, unfurl and reveal that not only has Sallis taken responsibility for his self proclaimed mistake, but he’s decided to bring Man-Thing back with him. Spider-Man might have just brought Man-Thing back to life with a few choice words, but as he mentioned before, it’s all on Sallis for actually doing the hard work.