Spider-Man Is Still Marvel’s Most Disliked Hero, as Yet Another MCU Hero Admits They Don’t Respect Him

Spider-Man Is Still Marvel’s Most Disliked Hero, as Yet Another MCU Hero Admits They Don’t Respect Him

There’s no denying that Spider-Man is beloved by millions of people all over the world, but unfortunately, that universal love is not present within the Marvel Universe itself. Spider-Man finds it incredibly hard to get any respect, with even Sam Wilson’s Captain America remarking how unbelievable it is Spider-Man would have anything profound to say.

The most recent Captain America makes his thoughts on Spidey known in Marvel’s Voice: Legends #1, in the story “Powers For The People” by David F. Walker, Eder Messias, Jonas Trindade, Andrew Dalhouse, and Ariana Maher. While talking to Elijah Bradley aka Patriot, Sam Wilson tries to impart some inspiring words. Funnily enough, the only thing Sam can think of sharing is Spider-Man’s doctrine of “With great power there must also come great responsibility.” This advice is universally true, and even while reciting it, Sam can’t help but remark how surprised he is that it comes from Spider-Man of all people.

Spider-Man Is Still Marvel’s Most Disliked Hero, as Yet Another MCU Hero Admits They Don’t Respect Him

Spider-Man has this thing he says,” Sam starts, before muttering, “I know, Spider-Man.” This small moment just shows how Spider-Man doesn’t get respect. Even while sharing the advice that Peter lives by, Sam still has to try and play it down, as if Spider-Man couldn’t possibly have something profound that others could use.

spider-man vs captain america


Spider-Man Debuts Secret Technique to Beat Captain America’s Shield

Spider-Man deploys a surprise fighting technique against his friend Captain America, unleashing a hidden ability he’s been keeping in reserve.

Marvel’s Heroes Have No Respect For Spider-Man

Sam Wilson Captain America and Spider-Man Comic-Accurate MCU Costumes

The irony of Sam using Spider-Man’s philosophy to inspire another hero, while simultaneously expressing his disbelief that it comes from Spidey, speaks to Peter Parker’s reputation among the heroes of the Marvel Universe. Not only is Peter regularly treated like trash by the very civilians he’s trying to save, but he’s often disrespected by the hero community as well. During the events of Civil War, Tony Stark talks Peter into unmasking to show support for the Superhero Registration Act. This is Tony simply using Peter as a pawn in his own political game, and the fact it ends up ruining Peter’s life doesn’t seem to matter much to Tony afterward.

Part of the reason Peter isn’t trusted by other heroes is his insistence on keeping his identity a secret, but few could blame him after Civil War. That’s not the only reason his reputation is in the trash, though. The Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson constantly uses his paper to slander Spider-Man and try to turn the public against him, labeling Spider-Man as a menace to the city of New York. Peter truly is an amazing hero, but due to circumstances, it seems he’ll never really be respected as one.

Sam Wilson Believes In Spider-Man’s Philosophy, But Not In Spider-Man Himself

Sam Wilson Recounts Spider-Mans Philosophy 2

Part of being a hero is helping people even when there isn’t any recognition for it. There’s no hero in Marvel who provides more help and risks his life more for people who don’t respect or even like him than Spider-Man. He isn’t respected by the civilians he saves, and he’s not respected by the superhero community, with even Wolverine commenting on how it’s well known that Spider-Man isn’t considered trustworthy. Spider-Man will always be trying to take responsibility for every tragedy as he tries to save lives, and hopefully some day he’ll get the respect he deserves for it.