Spider-Man 3’s Venom Created A Big Sam Raimi Trilogy Plot Hole

Spider-Man 3’s Venom Created A Big Sam Raimi Trilogy Plot Hole

Spider-Man 3‘s use of Venom created a big plot hole for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy. Sony brought the web-slinger to the big screen in live-action at the start of the 2000s with Tobey Maguire starring as Peter Parker and Sam Raimi directing. The first two Spider-Man movies were huge hits at the box office and with critics, making it a no-brainer that Spider-Man 3 would be made. The movie proved to be another financial hit, but it was also the most divisive entry in the franchise. Plenty of criticisms were levied against how Spider-Man 3 used the Venom symbiote to create Bully Parker and the underwhelming version of Venom.

The introduction of Venom in Spider-Man 3 saw the symbiote latch on to Peter Parker after a meteorite containing the symbiote crashed on Earth. While Tobey Maguire’s character had the black Spider-Man suit for a time after bonding with the symbiote, Raimi also introduced Eddie Brock to be the other half of Venom. The fellow photographer and aspiring Daily Bugle staff member played by Topher Grace attempts to foil Peter’s career, resulting in a feud that spurns his transformation into Venom in Spider-Man 3‘s ending. Despite the movie being Eddie Brock’s first appearance in the franchise, his role created a big plot hole.

Spider-Man 3 Ignored Sam Raimi’s Original Venom Tease

Spider-Man 3’s Venom Created A Big Sam Raimi Trilogy Plot Hole

Introducing Eddie Brock as an aspiring photographer for the Daily Bugle in Spider-Man 3 meant Sam Raimi ignoring the franchise’s original Venom tease from the first movie. During 2002’s Spider-Man, J. Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson are talking about how difficult it has been to get good pictures of Spider-Man. Robbie mentions that Eddie has been on the job for weeks trying to get a good photo, and it is confirmed that this was meant to be a reference to Eddie Brock. Actor RC Everbeck was even hired to play Eddie, but his scenes were not kept in the movie.

The Spider-Man trilogy plot hole Sam Raimi created with Spider-Man 3‘s Venom comes with Eddie Brock’s introduction scene. When he sneaks into J. Jonah Jameson’s office, Robbie Robertson says that Eddie is a freelancer that was hired last week. This contradicts the established canon from Spider-Man that Eddie is a photographer that the Daily Bugle has worked with in the past and was even hired to get pictures of Spider-Man. The only possible explanation is that Spider-Man‘s Eddie is not Eddie Brock after Spider-Man 3‘s use of the character, even though that was the original plan.

Why Sam Raimi Didn’t Want To Use Venom

The reason that Spider-Man 3‘s Venom creates this trilogy plot hole is not entirely Sam Raimi’s fault, as he did not even want to use Venom in the franchise. Sony forced him to include Eddie Brock in the third film because of the character’s popularity. Sam Raimi has been quite vocal about his disinterest in using Eddie Brock in Spider-Man 3. He did not totally understand the appeal of Venom at first because the character lacked humanity in his eyes. It was only through developing the movie that Raimi came to gain some appreciation for Venom, but forcing him into the trilogy capper was never part of his plan.