Spawn’s Dark Opposite is So Much More Twisted

Spawn’s Dark Opposite is So Much More Twisted

The introduction of Billy Kincaid, a creepy child killer with high ranking connections, in Spawn would lead to the creation of a Hellspawn whose backstory was more twisted than Al Simmons’. While Al had been a well-trained soldier and war hero, Billy was a rotund, unsettling character who enjoyed dressing as an ice cream man to draw in his victims. When Spawn chose to pursue and kill Kincaid, Billy rightfully ended up in Hell where he learned that his crimes and potential for evil made him a perfect candidate for Malebolgia’s army, a recruitment that was more of a punishment than a reward for the terrified Kincaid.

Created by Todd McFarlane in Spawn #5, the child killer and pedophile Billy Kincaid was being released after 6 years of his 22 year sentence for the murder of Amanda Jennings for good behavior despite objections from the police. When Spawn learned of Kincaid’s release, his shattered memory recalled previously being hired by Amanda’s parents to kill Kincaid before the cops apprehended him. Although Simmons failed, he later discovered a shed full of corpses which would ensure Kincaid’s permanent incarceration and possible death sentence. But after evidence started disappearing and the shed was mysteriously destroyed, Al was told to drop the case, which he did despite promising to return to finish the job some day. Although he was too late to save Mr. Chil-ee’s latest victim, Spawn would tie up this loose end from his past, killing Kincaid and leaving his body with a note for the cops to find.

In Spawn #8 by writer Alan Moore and artist Todd McFarlane, Billy Kincaid wakes up in Hell alongside other  damned souls in an unfamiliar environment. As Kincaid and his compatriots travel, they are picked off one by one by a variety of diabolical creatures or demons that belong Hell’s Eight Spheres. With his dreams plagued by nightmares, Billy eventually succumbs to his impulses and attempts to kill one of the final survivors. She is revealed not only to be a human husk worn by the Vindicator, a brother to Spawn’s nemesis the Violator, but also a test to prove Kincaid’s worthiness. Having passed, the demon half chases/half carries Billy to the Eighth Sphere, the Malebolge, where he is offered the ability to join the demon Malebolgia’s army. Unable to even consider or reject the offer, Billy is assigned a living necro-plasmic suit similar to Spawn’s which bonds with him and leaves him looking like the person that murdered him.

Spawn’s Dark Opposite is So Much More Twisted

The demon Malebolgia’s  offer to Al Simmons that resurrected him as Spawn was one of the many differences between him and Billy Kincaid as the latter was not given such a choice. Al Simmons knew the wrongs he committed but believed the greater good would balance out the less than honorable paths taken to achieve them. Billy Kincaid was a monster who accepted and enjoyed the evil he committed and found himself exactly where he belonged. But Billy did not possess the training nor the knowledge Al did, making him simply a character of great evil implored to join the ranks of his damned brethren. One could even argue bonding him to the K3-Myrlu symbiote was part of his suffering considered how traumatized he still was over memories of his death at Spawn’s hands.

Although Billy Kincaid was more evil than Al Simmons ever was in life, he proved to be no match for Spawn when they met again in Spawn #53. Although Billy possessed similar powers, he was no match for Simmons who decapitated him effortlessly. Although it would not be the last time Billy Kincaid would haunt his murderer, he remains one of the more twisted and gruesome adversaries in Spawn‘s macabre rogues gallery.